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void PrintString(int x, int y, int destimage, int font, string text)


This function, which has a stupid order of arguments, prints text to the screen. All the arguments should be self-explanatory, even if they are in retarded order. If you pass 0 for the font handle, a built-in font will be used.

If the font file has subsets -- additional full font sets under the main one -- you can switch to them in the middle of a printed string using \f#, where # is the number of the subset. The main (top) font is subset 0.

For instance, let's say you have your main font at the top of the image, and then underneath that you have the same font in yellow for emphasis. If you wanted to emphasize words this way, you could go:

PrintString(x, y, screen, some_font_with_subsets,
      "Don't forget to go to \f1the mayor's house\f0 before leaving town!")

Example Usage

PrintString(0, 0, screen, MainFont, "Hello World!  Also Grue is sexy!");

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Talkback #1 written by zeromus on 2006-11-12.

We put a lot of thought into those arg orderings, I'll have you know.

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