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int TextWidth(int font, string text)


Returns the width (in pixels) of the passed string using the passed font. If you pass 0 for the font handle, it will return the width of the text baesd on the builtin font.

Example Usage

int text_w;

text_w = TextWidth(MainFont, "Hello World!");

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Talkback #2 written by Bloody_Spork on 2012-06-20.

I understand that there is a certain syntax for setting the size of a font besides size 12, but wouldn't it be easier to be able to change the 0 to whatever? Here is a little chart that i whipped up.

0 = 12
1 = 13
2 = 14
3 = 15
60 = 72

This way we could easily change the font size, take up less memory by removing some snippets, and A LOT less to type. Please post you comments about this theory, if you will.

Talkback #1 written by on 2012-06-20.

This is the talkback thread for the documentation page: textwidth

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