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int FunctionExists(string funcname)


Returns 1 if the function named in the argument exists, 0 if it doesn't exist. However, it does so with the following caveats:

  • v3 builtin functions will return 0.
  • All user-defined system functions will return 1.
  • All map-specific functions will only return 1 if the map with that function is loaded.

    ie: if has a Sully() in it's vc file, and does not have Sully() in it's vcfile, FunctionExists("Sully") will return 1 if is loaded, and 0 if (or any other map that doesn't have a Sully()) is loaded.

  • All compares are case insenitive.

This function is extremely useful for errorchecking purposes when you're using CallFunction() in conjunction with datafile-defined strings, or any other time you're using CallFunction() and explicitly demand that a function exist.

Example Usage

//copy this all into a blank and run verge 
//if you don't understand what's going on.

void Sully() 
	exit( "I am a clam.  I have no beard.  Isn't that weird?" );

void Autoexec() 
	if( FunctionExists("Sully") )
		CallFunction( "Sully" );
		exit( "Sully() does not Exist!" );

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