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string InputReadString(string current_string, int max_length)


Check for cursor_pos equalling -1 as the input confirmed.

There may have a minor bug at the moment, where input can reverse. Possibly replated to a bad cursor_pos value being taken.

Example Usage

string InputReadString(string current_string, int max_length)
// Pass: Variable name of string, Maximum allow characters
// Returns: The string after input
// Requires: Global int cursor_pos
	UpdateControls(); // Just In Case
	if(key[SCAN_BACKSP]) // Delete chr before cursor
		lastpressed = 0;
		key[SCAN_BACKSP] = 0;
		if (cursor_pos > 0) // If there is a chr before the cursor
			max_length = len(current_string) - cursor_pos;
			return left(current_string, cursor_pos)
				+ right(current_string, max_length);
	else if(key[SCAN_DEL] || key[211]) // Delete chr after cursor
		lastpressed = 0;
		key[SCAN_DEL] = 0; // Num pad DEL key
		key[211] = 0; // Delete key
		// If there is a chr after the cursor
		if (cursor_pos < len(current_string))
			max_length = len(current_string) - cursor_pos - 1;
			return left(current_string, cursor_pos)
				+ right(current_string, max_length);
	else if(key[SCAN_ENTER]) // Input completed
		lastpressed = 0;
		cursor_pos = -1; // Check for -1 as a confirm of string input
	else if(key[SCAN_TAB]) // Move to next input
		key[SCAN_TAB] = 0;
		cursor_pos = -1; // Check for -1 as a input move
	else if(key[SCAN_UP]) // Up to start of string
		key[SCAN_UP] = 0;
		cursor_pos = 0;
	else if(key[SCAN_DOWN]) // Down to end of string
		key[SCAN_DOWN] = 0;
		cursor_pos = len(current_string);
	else if(key[SCAN_LEFT]) // Move cursor left one space
		key[SCAN_LEFT] = 0;
		if (cursor_pos > 0) cursor_pos--;
	else if(key[SCAN_RIGHT]) // Move cursor right one space
		key[SCAN_RIGHT] = 0;
		if (cursor_pos < len(current_string)) cursor_pos++;
	else if(lastpressed)
		lastpressed = 0;
		if(key[SCAN_V]) // Move cursor right one space
			if (key[SCAN_CTRL] && len(clipboard.text))
				key[SCAN_V] = 0;
				cursor_pos = len(clipboard.text);
				if (cursor_pos > max_length)
					cursor_pos = max_length;
					return left(clipboard.text, max_length);
				else return clipboard.text;
		// If it's a string-able chr, and string is not too long
		if (len(chr(lastkey)) && len(current_string) < max_length)
			max_length = len(current_string) - cursor_pos;
			return left(current_string, cursor_pos - 1) + chr(lastkey)
				+ right(current_string, max_length);
	lastpressed = 0;
	return current_string;

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