String Functions

  • asc() Returns the integer value of a character.
  • chr() Returns a string representation of the ascii code given.
  • GetToken() Retrieves a token from a string
  • GetTokenPos() Converts a token position into its character position.
  • left() Crops off beginning of a string
  • len() Returns the length of a string.
  • mid() Crops out a section of a string
  • right() crops off end of a string
  • str() Changes an int into its string representation.
  • strcmp() Compare two strings, checking for equality.
  • strdup() Duplicates string over a number of times
  • strovr() Overwrites the characters in a string at the specified position.
  • strpos() Searches for a substring within a string.
  • TokenCount() Counts the number of tokens in a string
  • TokenLeft() Returns a string of all tokens left of a certain token offset in a string.
  • TokenRight() Returns a string of all tokens right of a certain token offset in a string.
  • ToLower() Takes string and formats all the letters into lowercase form
  • ToUpper() Takes string and formats all the letters into uppercase form
  • val() Attempts to convert a string into its numeric value.
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    Ben McGraw's lovingly crafted this website from scratch for years.
    It's a lot prettier this go around because of Jon Wofford. is a member of the lunarnet irc network, and would like to take this opportunity to remind you that regardless how babies taste, it is wrong to eat them.