Math Functions

Trigonometric functions use a certain convention for angles that you may think a little odd. Zero degrees points due east and ninety degrees is due north. If you are using another convention in your game--such as zero degrees due north--then you will have to constantly convert between them when using the trig functions. I advise you not to use another convention in your game. Some things are worth fighting, but not this.

You will need to use Fixed-point numbers with these functions.

fcos(), fsin(), fatan2() and the like are for things that need more than 0 to 360 for angles. Verge defines a constant FIXED_PI, which is approximately the mathematical constant PI * 65536, which is used to measure the angles more accurately since we don't have floats. 2 * FIXED_PI is the same as 360 degrees.

  • abs() Returns the absolute value of a number.
  • acos() Returns the arccosine of a given value in fixed-point notation.
  • asin() Returns the arcsine of the input value in fixed-point notation.
  • atan() Returns the arctangent of the given value in fixed-point notation.
  • atan2() Calculates arctan of y,x
  • cbrt() Returns the cube root of a number.
  • cos() Returns the cosine of the specified angle in fixed-point notation.
  • facos() Same as acos but returns 16.16 fixed point radians, for precision.
  • fasin() Same as asin, but returns 16.16 fixed point radians, for precision.
  • fatan() Same as atan, but returns 16.16 fixed point radians, for precision.
  • fatan2() Same as atan2, but returns 16.16 fixed point radians, for precision.
  • fcos() Same as cos(), but takes a 16.16 fixed point radian angle.
  • fsin() Same as sin(), but takes a 16.16 fixed point radian angle.
  • ftan() Same as tan(), but takes a 16.16 fixed point radian angle.
  • max() Returns the largest of two input numbers.
  • min() Returns the smallest of two input numbers.
  • pow() Raises base to exp power
  • sgn() Returns if the number is positive, negative or zero.
  • sin() Returns the sine of a given angle in fixed-point notation.
  • sqrt() Returns the square root of the given number
  • tan() Returns the tangent of the given angle in fixed-point notation.
  • Talkback

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    Talkback #2 written by Omni on 2004-06-04.

    Example code

    int variable;
    variable = Sin(180);

    //Trig functions return results in 16.16 fixed point.
    //Simple english: multiplied by 65,536.
    //Bitshift down by 16, or divide by 65,536 for fixed point
    //to get the final result.
    variable = variable >> 16;

    int variablex, variabley;
    variablex = Cos(180);
    variabley = Sin(180);

    int vectorlength;
    vectorlength = 30;

    //Do all math functions at 16.16 level,
    //Then bitshift down by 16.
    //If you bitshift the trig result first,
    //your math will be very flawed.
    //Do math at the fixed point level.

    vectorx = (variablex * vectorlength) >> 16
    vectory = (variabley * vectorlength) >> 16

    Also, link for general purpose trig information, and basics:

    Sin and Cos: The Programmer's Pals!

    [edit: added pre-tag. -grue]
    [edit: thanks grue. -omni]

    Talkback #1 written by torin on 2004-06-03.

    If you need trig functions that support fractional angles (35.62 degrees, for example), take a look at the Castle Heck raycaster demo. It demonstrates how to use lookup tables loaded from files for this purpose.
    [edit: linked the demo. -Grue]

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