What are you up to, Rysen? ;)
I've been re-dabbling with Game dev for the past year, tried to learn some other engines (mostly did some stuff in Game Maker Studio), but I dunno, I just always "got" Verge and it made the most sense to me and was the only thing I could ever produce anything in.
I had started a super ambitious project with a friend, and had a lot of the backbone completed, but was waiting on art assets, and unfortunately they haven't been able to produce as much lately.
That being said! Kildorf's "Simple Quest" really inspired me to try creating a really simple RPG, that just told a small story.
So that's what I've been doing. I've got a fun little story I've written to base it on, it has one hub town, will have maybe 3 or 4 dungeons. Except this time, instead of burning myself out on coding systems (battle, etc.) I've decided to work on the story/map parts first, and then add the gameplay stuff after.
I was just on vacation last week and basically spent the entirety of it pixel arting :D Honestly, it's been a blast. I forgot how much I love this.