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Quote:Originally posted by evilbob

Infinity: a conceptual measurement to assess the lameness of zaril.

#1. If they don't, then why would you assume my first post deducted one from an infinite set of non-posts? Or are we playing the zaril-can-be-a-dipshit-without-anyone-calling-him-on-it game? You could have just said that from the get-go and we would have played along, guy.

#2. Nothing limits you from being dumb and wrong. The world is your oyster.

#3. In turn I could say that you had a lick of intelligence rattling about anywhere in your hollow skull :D The difference is that your assessment of the bob was unintentionally correct.

#4. 'I'm mom?'

#1, Just like the way you dress up like your mom, I am allowed to be a dipshit. Fully correct, Bob.

#2. Why the hell would I even start trying to teach you math? The concept of you learning anything is a joke.

That #3 retort was crappy. You used to be funny. :(

#4. In American English I respond to you: Your hopeless.

Posted on 2004-09-23 14:15:18


If I wanted to be funny, I'd state:

infinity - 1 < infinity

Because THAT'S hilarious.

Oh, but forgive me. I hasten to forget that you are clearly A MATH EXPERT, whereas my credits accumulated for a minor in mathematics are obviously worthless. But why would you want to teach me math, as you say? I'm quite educated there already.

The rest of your childish drivel (you sure got pretty upset over me simply suggesting that you take Calculus) is at best typical of your inability to form a coherent or relevant argument. This is evident by the fact that upon being called on your false declaration, you chose to pretend that you were more logically enlightened than the past 150 years of mathematicians. Then 'it was just the rules of the game to be stupid.' Then you admitted that it was in fact correct, and now you're implying that I'm somehow the one who has this whole time been the idiot. Yeah. Good luck with that theory. It's about as solid as your previous logic.

Posted on 2004-09-23 18:51:02


Actually, I imply that I did know that I was writing a false argument, that I've taken Calculus and I don't see why you get upset when I look past your studies in math when you clearly have no clue about mine and yet patronize me. So, in the end, we're probably both very gifted mathematicians, I just thought you could take some counter-fire, but obviously you got pissed. :p

I'll not respond to your flame about my 'childish drivel', instead I'll just discontinue arguing because it's getting silly.

Posted on 2004-09-23 19:15:30


Well yeah, I get displeased when someone chucks personal insults at me. I wasn't the first one to get all worked up :|

Posted on 2004-09-23 19:22:01


I take it back, I love this thread now. The last few posts have been great. Good work, boys.

Posted on 2004-09-23 19:36:09


Quote:Originally posted by evilbob

Well yeah, I get displeased when someone chucks personal insults at me. I wasn't the first one to get all worked up :|

I see that part differently, but nothing to bother arguing about, it will just get Loretian's trousers all wet.

Posted on 2004-09-23 20:18:44


I didn't even realize you were guys were serious. I thought it was meant to be funny, not funny haha though.

Posted on 2004-09-23 20:48:55


You is all being a bunch of vicious motherfuqers.

For that, you deserve this degrading image:

Posted on 2004-09-23 22:10:49


Yeah this thread rocks now.

Posted on 2004-09-23 23:05:32

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