Affordable PC Cases? (trying to spark conversation)
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I'm planning for building a media center PC (mainly just for watching illegally downloaded video files on my tv ). I found all the basic components I need on newEgg easily at under $200 for a pretty nice system. I'm having trouble finding a decent looking horizontal (desktop style) atx case that's under $60. The annoying part is you can find decent vertical (tower) cases for about $15.

Anyone ideas people? It'd annoy the hell out of me if my case made up the third of the cost of my system.

Posted on 2006-12-28 21:58:07


Who needs a case?

Use a cardboard box... good enough!

Posted on 2006-12-28 22:55:41


Quote:Originally posted by ThinIce

Who needs a case?

Use a cardboard box... good enough!

I already live in one. :(

But seriously, I did envision a pizza box laptop at one point. Think of it, it's perfect. Use one of those insulated delivery bags to carry it around in and you can also annoy the hell out of all your stoner friends.

Posted on 2006-12-29 01:10:36


Is there any reason you can't just use the cheap tower case?

Posted on 2006-12-31 15:03:12


I want to stack it with my vcr and game consoles.

I guess I COULD just lay a tower sideways.

Posted on 2007-01-01 19:44:36


Mod your own case! There are all manner of crazies out there that do that sort of thing. The coolest I've seen include a baby-AX motherboard PC fitted into a Darth Vader Helmet, a NES and an old typewriter (the maker even rigged up the keys on the front as a proper keyboard).

Posted on 2007-02-03 19:17:39

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