Anyone in/around the Los Angeles area?
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I'll be going to the University of Southern California this August, and was just curious if there were any VERGEers hanging abouts near LA. Might be fun to get together, since I will surely miss VERGE CITY USA (aka Austin, TX).

Also, how you chaps been? I haven't been hitting these boards much so I haven't spoken to non-chatters in a bit. Where is GEAS! And like, other stuff! Tell me!


Posted on 2006-06-09 00:32:56


I was once near LA for 5 years, then moved back to Texas!

Posted on 2006-06-09 18:32:24


You chose... wisely.

Posted on 2006-06-09 20:48:34


What the... why was my game singled out among all of the games around here? I can't take this pressure!

(Actually, to hijack the thread momentarily: I just moved at the beginning of June, and the previous month was basically going nuts because I was moving. We only found out about the moving at the beginning of May, soo.... Anyway! I am slowly starting to work on stuff again (though I did make the mistake of getting Oblivion) so maybe I'll be awesome againfor once some time soon.)

Posted on 2006-06-10 14:35:46

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