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Yeah, okay, so my wed. night plans didn't work out and I'm too freaked out to play anymore Doom 3 at the moment.

Posted on 2004-08-12 03:24:49


Yeah man, DOOM3 is pretty genuinely freaky.

The only thing that could be more scary:

If they made Aliens vs Predator 3 in the DOOM3 engine. Marine mode would be scary++!

Posted on 2004-08-13 18:19:44


I haven't played DOOM3 yet, but I have to say NO game has ever freaked me out more than the original Silent Hill on the PS1.

Posted on 2004-08-13 20:41:23


Yeah, man, I was totally thinking the same thing about AvP. The doom engine would be perfect for it. The last time I remember being as scared as I am in Doom 3 is playing AvP1. I never got that into AvP2 for some reason.

I've never played Silent Hill or Resident Evil or any of those types of games, but according to many reviews I've read, Doom 3 is heavily influenced by those games. There's some System Shock 2 in there too (which also had zombies that scared me)

Posted on 2004-08-13 20:47:09


SS2 has a sort of lurking horror feel to it that left me uneasy but AVP scared the shit out of me to the point of not playing a whole lot of it. Genuinely unsettling. Some Thief levels border on the pant-wetting; anyone played a level in the original called "Return to the Haunted Cathedral"? Played in a dimly lit study, it has you checking over your shoulders for Haunts every five minutes. *shudder*

Gotta get Doom3 once I get some cash, BTW, along with Thief 3. I hear there's a level in that called "The Cradle" that is seizure-inducingly scary. Woop!

Posted on 2004-08-13 23:22:49


doom3 was great, I managed to beat it in 2 days ^_^

Posted on 2004-08-14 07:06:30


That cathedral level in Thief was HARD. The new Thief is a great game, btw. The engine is really better than anything Looking Glass did (then again Ion Storm used Unreal and Havoc).

The game does seem a bit 'nerfed' compared to the older ones, but there are user patches available to fix a lot of the things you may want.

I heard Doom gets old cause they use the same tricks again and again. But it's a great engine for sure. Gotta pick it up.

Posted on 2004-08-14 09:03:44


Quote:Originally posted by RageCage

doom3 was great, I managed to beat it in 2 days ^_^

Damn. I've never been that fast at games, but I've been playing for I think around two weeks now (um.. maybe.. I can't remember) and I'm like one level away from hell.

They do use a lot of the same tricks, but it just hasn't gotten old for me. It's weird, but the whole game is extremely reminiscent of the original Doom. It's just somehow got the same feel to it. The horror is continually being upped and I guess it's one of those things - if you find the flashlight switching annoying, the game's tricks will probably start to seem old, but if not, you can enjoy and savor each moment it gives you.

Posted on 2004-08-14 16:50:13


Multiplayer is extremely sweet and oldschool. The powerups are all floaty and cool. Yeah, its cool.

Posted on 2004-08-15 18:45:16

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