Day Job
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So, yeah, it's 2:10 PM EST right now. Normally I'd be at work, but some dude called in a bomb threat at the bank.

Again. It's been going on for a few months. Calls from a payphone, says "A branch of your bank has a bomb planted in it", "Which branch?", "I'm not telling, it's going off in 42 minutes!", hangs up, then we all wait outside for near 45 minutes, discover he called from a payphone, the cop watching the phone didn't see anything (probably getting donuts), and when the bomb threat again turns to be false, we head back inside after near an hour of nothing.

Well, today they caught the guy. They said they were checking some things, and that we'd have to wait a few more minutes.

After an hour, they said go home, they'd re-open the bank at 3:30.

What the heck do they need an hour and a half for? Maybe every branch is seeded and the entire town's going up.

Posted on 2004-07-27 19:38:49


jerks, I hate people who do stupid shit like that.
what bank is it?

Posted on 2004-07-27 20:13:37 (last edited on 2004-07-27 20:13:49)


Some bank that only exists in the South Carolina tri-state area. Nothing national :)

Posted on 2004-07-28 02:25:31


Maybe he's trying to destroy your bank because it's Communist. Mmm, anyone back me up here? Interference, perhaps?

Posted on 2004-07-28 04:59:14


Banks are merely the artificial shackles that chain the proletarian working class to the tyrannical bourgeois lead ball of international finance, Comrade.


Posted on 2004-08-03 17:53:13

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