F#@§#!* Windows Update!
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So I was sitting at my computer and thought to myself that it's time to update my Win2k again. IIRC the last time I checked for updates was sometime in march, and after all the reports about new virii and trojans it couldn't hurt to make my system a bit secure.
After 2 hours, the actual downloading took only around 20 minutes, all recent patches were applied to Win2k (except for new versions of IE, Outlook and Mediaplayer).
Guess what, that darn patches fucked my PC right in the ass:
1. There is now a 50% chance for Windows to freeze when a application switches to fullscreen.
2. The sound sometimes vanishes completly (turning the PC off/on fixes it temporary)
3. I need to switch my DSL modem off/on after being online for around 3 hours. Makes downloading larger files a pain.
4. Win2K freezes randomly without any evident pattern. Sometimes 1 minute after turning the PC on, sometimes after a few hours, and sometimes not at all.

First I thought about a hardware problem, but I don't have any of the above problems with the Win98SE installation on another partition.
Should I install Win2K completly new? Right now I have only a handfull of applications installed, maybe 10. Nothing special, so it wouldn't be a big problem. But I fear it's just a waste of time; as soon as I run the windows update the problems will start again.

Posted on 2004-07-23 22:56:01


Whoa. I'm sorry.

I set XP to update itself automatically when I'm online, so I never have to see or deal with this crap.

Maybe installing all those patches at once was a mistake/you installed an incompatible patch/you're missing a newer patch to fix this mistake/you installed them in the wrong order...?

Don't think I can help you. With Windows 95 and 98 I wouldn't hesitate to suggest re-format/re-install, but I'm not comfortable with that thinking on my XP computers.

Posted on 2004-07-23 23:06:30


A completely unrelated note:

Mr T A BUckerma...



Posted on 2004-07-24 01:20:56


If you drew your avatar it would be awesome zip. But I don't think you did. :(

Posted on 2004-07-24 08:15:47


AHA! Actuallly I *DID......n't no....

Your avatar has obviously been done by professional artist too, right down to the HORRIBLE jpeg compression. :D

Posted on 2004-07-24 13:32:14


So, I installed Win2k again.
Now I hope that it won't be fucked up again with the blasted update.
Man, I'm getting weary of this windows shit. Somebody write a 100% Windows emulator for Linux!

Posted on 2004-07-24 16:54:30


Microsoft made a 100% Windows XP emulator...for OS-X...

Posted on 2004-07-24 17:14:36


Actually I took the picture myself, thank you very much. It's of a street address in Washington, D.C.

Posted on 2004-07-24 22:50:41


Another fun factoid about windows update, when they switch over to V5 on the live site, it will lock out all pirate XP keys. how awesome is that

edit: well, the same ones that XP SP2 locks out. which is more than SP1 did

Posted on 2004-07-26 03:40:51 (last edited on 2004-07-26 03:41:17)


Just as I feared, after a few Win2K updates, the dang piece of code started to act strange again.
Enough is enough, so I decided to formated my Win2K partition and install XP Pro. Right now it looks like this will solve my problems. All important updates applied and no crashes after a few days so far.

Posted on 2004-08-01 14:00:05


I know someone who works at MS, and he's shared a lot of interesting things with me. For one thing, though Windows Update will lock out pirated keys, you'll still be able to download the update via the Windows Download Center.

Posted on 2004-08-01 19:26:59

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