Giant yellow caterpillars
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I was typing away at my desk and suddenly I feel this hairy thing on my neck, so i rub it off and on my hand i had the largest most hairy and disgusting looking caterpillar in the world. Not only that but after I stomped the shit out of it I blew up like a balloon and turned red all over - it was fucking poisonous too.

*Sings* oh such a perfect day...

Posted on 2006-07-18 14:53:43


why is your desk in the jungle?

Posted on 2006-08-06 22:10:53


Been a big year for caterpillars. Luckily we're only getting the little ones up here.

Posted on 2006-08-07 21:29:28


Thank heck I'm on a different continent to you. No caterpillars. A government that wants to make our lives a living hell, granted, but no caterpillars.

Posted on 2006-08-16 17:03:45


I haven't seen any caterpillars. Lots of butterflies though!

Posted on 2006-08-20 12:41:33


Swarms of locusts live in my front yard and attack me at night when I smoke cigarettes.

Like this.

Except I'm not hurricane-bait, I mean, I'm not black.

Posted on 2006-08-21 00:06:16 (last edited on 2006-08-21 00:06:31)

Displaying 1-6 of 6 total.
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