Grasslands Castle
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I just beat Zeux World and I'm aiming for 100%. One problem though is Grasslands Castle. I just can't get to it. Maybe I'm searching too hard. Anyone willing to volunteer hints?

Posted on 2005-02-14 00:09:19


Levels that have red dots instead of yellow have two exits, and open up different paths when you complete the other exit.

Also... Not all 'areas' in Zeux have a castle. I asked Zara about this one day and he told me it was because he basically threw together the overworld map as he went and didn't plan it at all! :D

edit: btw im at work and don't have zeux handy or I'd have been more specific and helpful!

Posted on 2005-02-24 15:03:13 (last edited on 2005-02-24 15:04:03)

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