hey d00dz fable is roxor
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i havnt played it yet btu it iz teh c00lest game evar. kthx

Posted on 2004-05-19 00:12:30


KOolS! I
1 L0V3 TH0S3 GAME!

Posted on 2004-05-19 00:14:48


D00D, 1 707411Y W4S R0X0R3D BY T3|-| F4BLE E3 |\/|0\/135!

Posted on 2004-05-19 02:56:23


hey u guyz, therez thiz game kawld zelda and itz kewl an stuffs but itz laik i havnt played it yet eether so reele im just stoopid.

btw mai name iz toen.


Posted on 2004-05-20 02:59:12


Quote:Originally posted by Troupe

hey u guyz, therez thiz game kawld zelda and itz kewl an stuffs but itz laik i havnt played it yet eether so reele im just stoopid.

btw mai name iz toen.

wut 'bout da 1z be4

Posted on 2004-05-20 03:00:08


o dose, well u rnt tawkin bout dose, we tawkin bout da noo 1 bcuz itz gawt adult link.

da gamez we r cumpairing neether uv us hav play.

Posted on 2004-05-20 03:29:30


Paging Alex... Paging Alex...

Posted on 2004-05-20 10:19:33


I am having nothing to do with this. Apart from to say I'm having nothing to do with this.

Posted on 2004-05-20 11:36:36

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