I do not like Ham.
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Jesus, no. I'm sticking with the stable build. You and your testbed updates are going to get yourself hacked one of these days...

Posted on 2005-09-26 06:54:03


I'd rather get hacked than run that old Communism kernel you're still using....

Posted on 2005-09-26 08:55:58


If all of Canada was like Vancouver, and they legalized polygamy, I'd like it more.

Posted on 2005-09-26 15:37:34


Originally posted by ThinIce

I'd rather get hacked than run that old Communism kernel you're still using....

I'm not running the communist kernel. You're the one who seems to think america and canada are equivalent. >: )

(summoning ovk, kild, and gayo for flame war in 3...2...1...)

Posted on 2005-09-26 16:17:07 (last edited on 2005-09-26 16:17:46)




Posted on 2005-10-05 14:56:30


Originally posted by Khross



No u. (Typing this from my 20 foot, 2 floor igloo with state-of-the-art ice-powered heating system.)

I can probably safely say people who hate Canada are likely ones who have never visited here.

Posted on 2005-10-05 18:28:38


greetz to Canada. My grandfather on my mother's side was from Canada, and my grandmother is from another part of the British Empire/Commonwealth.

Posted on 2005-10-05 18:35:14


How many people have to be bored to slow down bash.org? It's not showing up here very well. That makes me want more.

Posted on 2005-10-06 04:00:18


I'm curious as to why the Americans hate the French so much. It certainly has become trendy to dump on the French constantly, which has extended to anyone who speaks a language called French. (Believe me, if you told a French Canadian that they were the same as the French from France, or vice versa, you'd probably get a punch in the mouth and a stream of confusing religious epithets.) I know of one or two historical things that could be roots of this, but I'm wondering if the people who mock the French actually have personal reasons or just idolize Ann Coulter.

Posted on 2005-10-06 05:43:52


I, ein Amerikan, do not have any hate for the French. I have sense, and know that judging people about where they are is not very useful, or likely to work right. Judging people by their action comes off more cleanly, and is probably the best non-investigative (that is, easy) way to judge people, if such judgement has any value.

As for the mockers, they have found it easier to give other people shit abt. not helping than to actually make any real effort of their own.
No doubt, the poetic-justice form of hell for such people . . . I may have never thought of one. Their ruin will be when a house is filled with them and catches fire.

- - - No logic below - - -
Hey, the house is on fire.
Call Bush!
The white house is busy.
Now what?
We blame a flaming-queer gee-hawd-ists.
in Kitchen: My Cake! I thought it would wait for me for 4 hours, while I (something badRepublican)!
The fire is getting closer!
Throw your magazine at it!
Magazine is engulfed.
It's going to get into the GUN ROOM, you know.
Maybe seeing those guns will scare it off.
. . . Fire gets into one of several warehouse-cases of ammunition.

Posted on 2005-10-06 10:53:25


Wow, I think I finally met my match...

Posted on 2005-10-06 18:25:54


Originally posted by ThinIce

Wow, I think I finally met my match...

In what sense?

Let me say that while the text uses political symbols, the same goes for whiny do-nothings everywhere, in any circumstance and state of mind!

Posted on 2005-10-06 18:41:41


Honestly I actually kind of lost the thread of yhnm's little tangent there, so I have no idea what you're saying but uh... rock on! I guess!

And also, I know that not all Americans hate the French. I just figured that this thread was all about the wide sweeping generalizations.

I am also going to put forward a theory that any Verge board thread involving Ham will eventually contain politics. I'll be publishing my research later this year. Watch for it!

Posted on 2005-10-06 21:06:42 (last edited on 2005-10-06 21:07:04)


Indeed, the infinate complacency involved with Ham inspired political discussions, however - being that this thread is a direct inversion of the pro-Ham supporters, I shall refrain from my true feelings about the french and how stupid and smelly they are.

Posted on 2005-10-06 21:54:53


There's a big stereotype that the French are snobby assholes. I think it's derived from when Americans go to France and expect the French to speak English.

Posted on 2005-10-07 00:46:03


The modern american stereotype of france has it's roots in the rivalry between france and england. Early on in american history Amerca and France were all 'Best buds 4eva!!!!1', but somewhere along the way we made amends with our mother country and the new french girlfriend was used as a scapegoat.


Posted on 2005-10-07 08:40:58


Also, as of late, there was the whole 'they were against taking care of the Iraq thing and it turned out the reason was because they were profiting off money dealz with Saddam' thing....

Seriously, when I visited France, it was beautiful, but they were mostly Godless hedonists (making it very similar to the verge-rpg.com forums)

French is a beautiful language, though.

Posted on 2005-10-07 10:02:12


Posted on 2005-10-07 11:12:12


Everyone was benefiting from Saddam being in power, except the terrorists. Quite the opposite situation now.

P.S. I'd love to visit Canada! And France!

Posted on 2005-10-07 14:22:08 (last edited on 2005-10-07 14:24:41)


Originally posted by Khross

Everyone was benefiting from Saddam being in power, except the terrorists. Quite the opposite situation now.

That's ridiculous. And concidently, exactly what ze terrorists, the democrats, and Ronald McDonald.want you to believe. (yes, it is quite shocking when you note exactly how similar the plans and goals of Al-Quada and the Democrats are, specifically former KKK member Senator Byrd)

Posted on 2005-10-07 15:59:47

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