I think I've been playing too much FF12..
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I just saw a plastic bag rolling down the street in the dark, and for a split second it looked like a cockatrice.

Posted on 2006-11-27 02:31:28


I once played Gauntlet II on my NES so much that every time I blinked I could see screens from the game and the voice-over guy's words kept echoing in my ears.

I've played games and then had seriously weird dreams as a result. The best was the result of fiddling with the Unreal Editor for waaay too long: I dreamt of seeing reality in the same way I see games - I saw existence as a series of parameters and properties. Just as I was messing around with it, working out how it all functioned, someone woke me up and asked me if I wanted some tea. Damn! Moments from understanding the meaning of life and some git wants to know if I'd like some tea. Grr.

Posted on 2006-11-27 19:47:23


That reminds me of this comic: http://www.xkcd.com/c161.html

Posted on 2006-11-27 22:35:34


Interference, that sounds incredibly familiar. Interesting thought.

Posted on 2006-11-28 13:20:38


That's like if you go on an 8+ hour pvp tetris/dr mario binge everything in the world seems to take on a simple "how can I fit this together" bent.

The Zen of Doctor Mario.

Posted on 2006-12-01 05:48:02

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