little guitarist girls are heart-breakers...
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I'm a fan of a punk rock band.
I like a girl who plays guitar in this punk rock band.
I need to conquer her.
And I want to play a nice RPG in wich I can choose a person in the public to conquer a guitarist girl during a gig.

Posted on 2005-05-30 05:06:34



Edit: oh

Posted on 2005-05-30 05:28:02 (last edited on 2005-05-30 05:28:27)


Well, if THAT isn't the weirdest request I've ever had..

Posted on 2005-05-30 17:47:18


Where's Tralu when you need him?

Posted on 2005-05-30 23:07:42


I'm not sure I want to ask, but what do you mean, 'conquer' her?

...really, you don't _have_ to tell me...

Posted on 2005-05-30 23:16:54


His username has me wondering if he's someone I know...

Oh and aren't there already plenty of Japanese dating sims for this kind of thing? I bet it's already been done, as they think up all sorts of crazy scenarios.

Posted on 2005-05-31 11:37:32


Quote:Originally posted by rpgking

His username has me wondering if he's someone I know...

Oh and aren't there already plenty of Japanese dating sims for this kind of thing? I bet it's already been done, as they think up all sorts of crazy scenarios.

That's what McGrue meant when he mentioned Tralu (author of Cyberwizards, if my memory serves me correctly), who happens to be working on just such a dating sim for VERGE.

Posted on 2005-05-31 17:19:38

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