Old Verge games: are you responsible?
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On the subject of old Verge games as mentioned in another thread in another forum, which games have YOU worked on, and when? Also, give those games an embarrassment rating!

Midsummer is the only one of mine that I've ever been confident enough in to let anyone see (still in progress, so no embarrassment rating. Yet), but I have made two and-a-bit other Verge games, which were a couple of frankly bizarre little V2 RPGs that I made a few years ago, just after I started on Midsummer. They will never see the light of day because I don't want to lose the reputation I presume I have for being a perfectly sane and well-balanced chap. :P

Let the bragging commence!

Posted on 2004-06-11 01:14:31


merlin, sar, timeagent, kagero, and empire.

merlin was an utter embarasment,
sar was sad
timeagent was getting there
kagero was sad too
empire was the first time I didnt rip code, but it was never released =p

Posted on 2004-06-11 06:49:15


I'm responsible for Sully 2.


Posted on 2004-06-11 06:51:14


I was Rage's accomplice on all the listed games. I must say the VERGE community has an astounding ability to document and archive crap. I deleted those games for a reason, fuckers.

Posted on 2004-06-11 08:19:48


I am responsible for very little. I once did a quiz game for MegaZeux.

Also, I'm working on a few of Midsummer's CHRs and created a texbox system and some fonts.

I have been making the same game multiple times for the last five years.

Posted on 2004-06-11 13:48:23


I made a custom movement system for V2, that had party following, and no one used, not even me.

I also made a rather unknown map layer/entity rotation scaling library, for V2, that nobody used, not even me.

EDIT: To be honest, if I remember correctly, while I was proud of the code, the libraries were not what I would call "intuitive/user friendly" and they definitely weren't well commented.

Oooh. My programming experience is depressing. I thought I was pretty hot stuff when I made that movement system though. Got a nice comment from RPGKing on the Vergesource archives, if I remember.

Posted on 2004-06-11 15:21:07 (last edited on 2004-06-11 15:29:17)


Its amazing how terrible your old stuff can be. I used to think I was a pretty good VERGEer. No. Hell no. I did not produce one worthwhile thing until v3 came out. I have no idea how I warped my perspective into thinking I was important. But like you said, there were some nice people that gave me good comments. Those people deserve to be shot. What we need here is more brutal honesty. Although everyone here is pretty skilled. maor n00bz plz

Posted on 2004-06-11 17:36:26


Quote:Originally posted by Omni

Oooh. My programming experience is depressing. I thought I was pretty hot stuff when I made that movement system though. Got a nice comment from RPGKing on the Vergesource archives, if I remember.

That was on the Vergesource? Wasn't it here on verge-rpg? :D

Back on topic, as far as my old games go, I was working on a game called Dark Legacy with Animeman. It went along nicely with original graphics, music, etc. and I even had an FF6-style ATB system made for it. But then, college got really intense and I stopped working on it. Then Animeman started college himself, and didn't really have time for anything. And then eventually, I lost everything from a hard disk failure, and back then I was too much of a moron not to make backups ;_:

Interesingly, a demo of this that I'm not able to run somehow popped up on verge-rpg.com recently during it's revival :O But it seems to be a much older demo, around the time I was experimenting with a Chrono Trigger-type system that never came to be. I laughed when I saw how newbish the code looked!

EDIT: I got it to run in WinV2 :O

Posted on 2004-06-11 19:55:09 (last edited on 2004-06-11 21:11:14)



I saw that map so many times. It became aen's defacto testing map for like 1999-2000.

Posted on 2004-06-12 01:28:59


Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

I'm responsible for Sully 2.

What actually happened to Sully 2?

Quote:Originally posted by Omni

I made a custom movement system for V2, that had party following, and no one used, not even me.

You made something that even you had no use for? Omni, did the voices tell you to do it...?

Posted on 2004-06-12 03:34:03


Quote:Originally posted by Alex

Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

I'm responsible for Sully 2.

What actually happened to Sully 2?

It was released only in Japan.

Posted on 2004-06-12 03:43:08


You made something that even you had no use for? Omni, did the voices tell you to do it...?

Well, uh, it kinda went like this...in fact this bit right here sums up my entire circa-Verge programming experience.

Timeline/Thought Flow Chart
* = Actions
Verge! Awesome! I figured out how to program!
*Makes movement system
Yeah! I'm on my way to an RPG.
Crap! I can't draw or do music!
*Makes entity scaling system
This is awesome! I have to share it with the world!
*No one cares
Well, that's okay. Time to work on my game!
*Writes 50 lines of platformer code
Hey! Ika uses classes!
*Waddles between Verge and Ika
Neither of them compile under Linux! I must have Linux, even though I don't really need it and I'm not sure why I do!
*Sees Pygame!
Ooh! Pygame works under Linux!
*Waddles between Verge, Ika, and Pygame
I can't decide!
*Tries to port ika functions to Pygame
Crap! I need my own Map system!
*Waddles between Verge, Ika, and Pygame
I've got it! I'll make my own map system!
*One school year and lots of waddling later...
I did it! It only took one year!...(To be honest, working on it in splurges, and then ignoring it for weeks in order to do more Waddling between Verge and Ika, it did take about a year)
*Custom Pygame Map System: Evolution complete
(current time: present)
Ooh! V3's out!
*Waddles between Ika, Verge, and Pygame
*Learns about Sega Saturn development
Whoa! The Saturn is awesome! I should program for it!
*Wastes two weeks learning about the Saturn
Saturn development is crap!
*More waddling between Ika, Verge, and Pygame
*Reads McGrue's lines: "Programmers consider Verge their hobby!"
Yeah! That's right! It's not a job, it's a hobby! (Keep in mind: I have no interest in a full time programming career...I want to be able to program as a hobby and yet have something else to do.)

*Less Waddling between Ika, Verge, and Pygame
Well..if it's just a hobby, why wear myself out making custom map systems for code platforms I can't use when Verge3 already provides a lot of the tools I need?
*Sorta, kinda, decides to settle with Verge3
Wow...it's been 4 years and all the good code I've made has gone completely to waste...

End circa-Verge experiences.

I originally made the movement system because: 1. The first Winv2 releases had...lackluster entity systems, plus I wanted party following (which I sucessfully integrated into my system...even though I never used it).

I feel sad :(

Posted on 2004-06-12 03:49:16 (last edited on 2004-06-12 03:58:08)


Don't feel bad Omni! You sucked anyway! I'm sure of it! Everyone sucked back then. I wish no one had ever seen my games, because they were completely awful. The community was terrible back then anyway. And at least you could actually code those things, that's impressive!

Posted on 2004-06-12 04:06:36


Don't feel bad Omni! You sucked anyway! I'm sure of it!

uh...I feel better now? :)

Posted on 2004-06-12 04:15:51



Posted on 2004-06-12 04:21:23


Stop quoting me out of context ;_; Alright, that was perfectly in context, I admit, but... er... Well... You miss my point. As long as your old stuff got you to where you are today, that's what matters. No one remembers my old stuff, and I'm thankful, becuase it was terrible. But it was a necessary step to get to where I am now. Its all about the destination, not the journey! I think....

Posted on 2004-06-12 08:39:59


Aw...I feel a group hug coming on!

Posted on 2004-06-12 14:59:06


Quote:Originally posted by Omni

Aw...I feel a group hug coming on!


...er, unless you are gay. In which case:


Either way, consider your sexuality questioned in a derogatory way.

PS: I also will insult your mother at this juncture. If no mother, then I insult father. If no father, then I insult your legal guardian. EAT THAT!

Posted on 2004-06-12 16:44:59


Okay, okay, I'm sorry!


EDIT: I'm not gay. Geez again.

Posted on 2004-06-12 16:48:14 (last edited on 2004-06-12 17:39:33)


Quote:Originally posted by Omni

EDIT: I'm not gay. Geez again.

Or are you? After all, I did question your sexuality brutally and with stunning precision!

Posted on 2004-06-12 17:54:47

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