Players needed for a Diplomacy game
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We're forming a Diplomacy game on Espernet and we currently have five players, but we need two more. If you've never heard of Diplomacy, it's basically the best strategy game ever made. The game begins in 1901 with each player assigned one of Europe's seven Great Powers: England, France, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia, Italy, and Turkey. The goal of each player is to seize eighteen supply centers, which is impossible to accomplish alone. To quote the manual:

DIPLOMACY is a game of negotiations, alliances, promises kept, and promises broken. In order to survive, a player needs help from others. In order to win the game, a player must eventually stand alone. Knowing whom to trust, when to trust them, what to promise, and when to promise it is the heart of the game. Remember, you are a diplomat first, a commander second.

Take a look at the rules and the map. If you have any further questions, there's also a FAQ.

Post here if you're interested, and be sure to join #diplomacy on

Posted on 2005-09-02 01:18:59


Is this computer based diplomacy or board game diplomacy over irc?

Posted on 2005-09-05 10:24:20


I'd assume he means the IRC board game, from the fact he said:

Post here if you're interested, and be sure to join #diplomacy on

Posted on 2005-09-05 20:13:26


I would love to if I had the time :(

Posted on 2005-09-05 22:00:59


Yeah, it's a board game. We'll be corresponding through IRC or maybe use an automated game dealie.

The turn intervals haven't been decided yet, it'll probably be either 24 or 48 hours per turn.

ThinIce, if you have enough time to perpetually pollute Castle Heck with your idiocy, you can set aside a small fraction of that time for Diplomacy.

Posted on 2005-09-05 22:28:48


P.S. :D

Posted on 2005-09-05 22:29:46


I didn't know turns were to have a duration for so long -

I guess somone has to lose the game right ?

Posted on 2005-09-06 07:30:17


Count me in - I'll need a day or two to get acquainted with the instructions .

Posted on 2005-09-06 21:51:21


Awesome. I think we only need one more person now.

Posted on 2005-09-07 03:40:50


<McG> I actually don't like to play social politic games online.
<Etir> Really?
<McG> I lose a lot of advantage.
<Etir> Because no one online trusts you? ;)

Posted on 2005-09-07 08:05:27


It's hard to pull a gun on people over the internet.

Damn you, BulletProof FTP

Posted on 2005-09-07 15:44:01

Displaying 1-11 of 11 total.
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