"Quoting is in." Top 40
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Here are the 40 most frequent "words" in the source of "Quoting is in." as of post 59.
Word		Frequency		%

> 10875 20.12
< 10875 20.12
br 4458 8.25
i 2169 4.01
b 1788 3.31
div 1740 3.22
. 1544 2.86
: 1117 2.07
quote 1070 1.98
class 1024 1.89
posted 870 1.61
by 852 1.58
forumSig 847 1.57
Originally 832 1.54
a 463 0.86
" 418 0.77
! 370 0.68
, 359 0.66
? 307 0.57
td 263 0.49
ThinIce 240 0.44
you 215 0.40
the 204 0.38
tr 184 0.34
Gayo 183 0.34
mcgrue 172 0.32
El 161 0.30
href 160 0.30
is 157 0.29
it 153 0.28
this 150 0.28
Desconocido 143 0.26
images 142 0.26
src 138 0.26
img 138 0.26
id 134 0.25
php 130 0.24
gif 123 0.23
that 114 0.21
) 102 0.19

And though ThinIce seems to be king, I'll point out that the thread is only .07% Badgersauce.


Posted on 2004-05-08 03:25:16


...but why? :)

Also, you should filter out <*.?> and then post the top 40.

Posted on 2004-05-08 04:24:22


Sweet! I rock the socks off of "the"! that's awesome, hey El, do that on the ham thread! ;)

Posted on 2004-05-08 05:12:44


Dude, it took me forever to count all those...

By the way, that was only page 3. I was mostly curious as to why I could actully notice the page loading.

El Flojo (lazy)

Posted on 2004-05-08 06:17:08



Posted on 2004-05-08 08:13:37


looks like a tie fighter from starwars.

Posted on 2004-05-08 08:39:35 (last edited on 2004-05-08 08:44:43)

Displaying 1-6 of 6 total.
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