RIP Billy "Wicked" Wilson
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For those who haven't heard, Billy 'Wicked' Wilson passed away last night. I'm normally not the sentimental type, but his death has really saddened me.

Billy founded back around '96 or '97, and it was the first really large gaming website of that kind (where there was hourly updates and it wasn't run as a promotional tool by a corporation). was the first website I ever brought into a 'website visiting routine' that I started checking out daily. On several occasions, I e-mailed Billy about several different things, and he was always cool and helped me out. When V2 was GPL'ed, he gave us a posting even though Verge wasn't related to type news at all, just to be nice, which gave us a lot of traffic and a (relatively) large amount of publicity.

More than that, I always enjoyed reading his posts, which I did almost daily until he started updating much more infrequently with his new site. It's odd, but for someone I hardly even knew, I really feel like a friend of mine has passed away.

RIP, Billy.

Posted on 2005-03-15 09:43:24


What was the cause of death?

Posted on 2005-03-15 18:29:28


Liver failure. He partied with the best of them.

Posted on 2005-03-15 21:38:04


Sweet. We should use the failed organs of various internet personas to reconstruct a Failure Golem!

We have access to a Liver and a Spleen. I think that's a good start!

Posted on 2005-03-16 05:08:05


Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

Sweet. We should use the failed organs of various internet personas to reconstruct a Failure Golem!

We have access to a Liver and a Spleen. I think that's a good start!

Only on Yikes.

Posted on 2005-03-17 09:57:07

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