Serenity trailer on Apple Movies..
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Woo! I'm in the process of snagging the trailer for the Firefly movie off Apple's website. I encourage others to do the same. is a pain in the backside to navigate so I post here the URL direct to the high-quality version for your convenience:

I really can't WAIT for this film to hit the cinemas. The TV show was great (what there was of it before it got pulled) and even my sci-fi loathing housemates love it.

Posted on 2005-04-27 11:07:54


What is Serenity then? I'm not sure what it and Firefly have to do with each other... [/ignorance]

Posted on 2005-04-27 13:57:50


Wikipedia to the rescue.

It's so good, that you should actually buy it.

Posted on 2005-04-27 23:15:58


Well, I've watched the trailer far more times than is probably health, even frame-by-frame to catch some of the faster stuff. It's utterly mental and I can't wait to see this with some friends in September. Gun slinging, bar fighting, sharp humour, psychopathic bounty hunters, men driven mad on the edge of space.. It's going to be GREAT!

Posted on 2005-05-03 03:11:28

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