So I proposed to a girl yesterday....
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It's been in the works since 1994, but they have replaced every single band member except Axl and Dizzy like three times over. Also, every band member is from a different musical background, so I think it'd take awhile to get them all to mesh (NIN meets punk meets Tool meets Tori Amos meets Primus meets .... Axl?). Plus, Axl has the most democratic possible way of creating songs.

Not that I'm obsessed with them.

Posted on 2004-08-30 18:38:01


I'm not obsessed with xerxes, either.

ps i sitll dont understand this thred plz thx!

Posted on 2004-08-31 04:21:34


Here is a timeline of events as they occurred from my perspective:

Wednesday, August 25th, 2004 AD 17:00: After fooling my departing co-worker into believing all she was getting as a going away gift was a free turkey burger lunch and a card, I present her with a boutique (sp??) of flowers, including the South American species, (in latin) something-something. I also inform her that in English, this type of flower means "Will you marry me?" Stunned, she just laughs and makes ou- err, she just laughed.

1800: After also suprising her with a full blown party, and a $100 gift certificate for Ikea, I publically propose to her, getting down on me knees, with a great, off-the-cuff speech that began with "I don't have a ring..." and ended with "...but you're really hawt." (j/k! The speech was great I just don't remember any of it). She informs me that she will talk it over with her boyfriend, but she definitely won't say yes unless I get a car.

Thursday, August 26th, 2004 AD 16:10: I post a message on the ( stating that I had proposed to a girl, and I just needed car for her to say yes. In my typical fashion, I laughed and laughed at my own hilarity. Little did I know, I laughed alone.

16:11 hours: Omni, of the forums ( responds to my post, taking me seriously, and asks me about the girl.

16:13: I respond in my typical fashion; while not uttering a single falsehood, I neglect to inform him of the lack of seriousness.

Sometime between 16:14 and 18:06: I decide the joke wasn't worth a thread, or an explanation, so I delete the thread.

18:06 McGrue, of the forums ( who, with his status, is able to see deleted threads, posts a message in the thread questioning my seriousness and also wondering if I am aware that the thread is only viewable by mods.

19:02: I respond in part, saying yes, and no, and many other things. Eventually, I decide to undelete the thread for the world to see all my secrets.

Friday, August 27th 2004 AD, 03:51: Toen bans me.

Posted on 2004-08-31 20:13:48


Hmm. Sounds like a good independent film.

Posted on 2004-08-31 21:03:01

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