The Greatest Sci-Fi Themes of All Time
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After a sudden desire to hear the Space: 1999 theme again the other day, I've decided to ask the question: what is the greatest Sci-fi tv show theme ever?

I really loved the Sylvester McCoy era version of the Doctor Who theme tune (composed by the fantastically talented Ron Grainer, who also did the theme for The Prisoner) but there are a few other great ones out there from varying decades:

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century: the feature film even had words to the theme tune for this.

Space 1999: sort of mixes a bit of funky guitar with an orchestra. It's James Last meets The Shadows!

Enterprise: strangely good. Really emphasised the general feel of the show

Blake's 7: a bit of a grower. Electric and somewhat eerie.

Firefly: short and simple but by GOD do I like that theme. Country and western is never usually THAT good.

Angel: Not *specifically* sci-fi but a strangely good theme. The Buffy one was unexciting despite its attempts to be otherwise but the Angel theme is pretty catchy.

I can't find the theme for "Sliders" anywhere, although I remember that being quite good too

I'll have to snag some webspace and upload a few of these: they're really worth hearing if you haven't. Alternatively, you could of course run a search for 'em in the usual places.

Posted on 2004-06-28 23:39:35


I hate the Enterprise opening music, when I had a tv I used to turn over just to avoid it. My favourite on your list is Doctor Who by a mile, though I'm sure there must be lots of good ones we are forgeting.


Posted on 2004-06-28 23:45:49


The Enterprise music, and indeed the show itself, is a complete waste of time. I hate Star Trek anyway.
I agree with you about Dr Who. But the Sylvester McCoy era was best for everything, not just the music. No doubt the new series will suck, but not as much as that film.

Posted on 2004-06-28 23:56:58 (last edited on 2004-06-28 23:57:29)


Paul McGann IS a good Doctor, if you've heard him in any Dr Who audio dramas. It's a shame he isn't still going to be the Doctor, I'd have liked to see him handle a decent 'Who script on TV. The intro music for the film was good though. Done on piano.

I'm not a huge fan of Star Trek but I found Enterprise (and its theme) reasonably enjoyable.

Stargate! The theme for that is brilliantly epic! Just remembered it!

The McCoy era wasn't best for EVERYTHING: it went downright surreal at points (ever seen The Happiness Patrol? The bad guy is the robot version of Bertie Bassett. Hrm.) I thought Colin Baker was highly underrated. I've met the guy and he's a really nice bloke. Plus Peri was HOT.

Posted on 2004-06-29 00:34:38


Yes, I've seen The Happiness Patrol, I've still got it on video from when I taped it in 1987 or whenever it was. It is brilliantly surreal, and the Candyman a marvellously psychotic and preposterous villain. I hope they release that one on DVD sometime...

I've never seen ANY of the Colin Baker ones though (or Peter Davison) because they never repeat the damn things, and I didn't watch any of them the first time around. Never saw the first McCoy series either. So I don't know who Peri was, but I used to think Ace was pretty hot... don't know what I was thinking. There's just something about a girl who's not shy about being violent with a baseball bat...

This is the geekiest thread I've ever taken part in... :(

Posted on 2004-06-29 01:47:49


I kinda like the Enterprise theme. But then I've never, ever watched the show. Though I did see five minutes of some western-shootout, which my friend tells me that the original Star Trek did that much better with Kirk at O-K Coral anyway.

Posted on 2004-06-29 01:51:54


The theme from 2001: A Space Odessy. Owned.

Posted on 2004-06-29 02:30:20


The greatest Scifi theme?

Either the main theme to 1984's Dune by David Lynch, or the theme to the early 80's Flash Gordon.

FLASH! Ah-aaaah... The Savior of the universe!

OMG <3 4 Brian Blessed!!!

Posted on 2004-06-29 04:15:30


Gordon's alive!

The Blue Danube Waltz is, IMVHO, the most beautiful piece of music ever composed. So I agree with Troupe, if that was he was referring to.

Posted on 2004-06-29 04:24:48


Babylon 5's music Is a favorite of mine, too. Long live Chris Franke!

Posted on 2004-06-29 04:42:23


Well.. Not the Blue Danube Waltz. I was thinking of the other one. baaaaaa baaaaa baaaaaaaaa. BAH BAH!!!!

Posted on 2004-06-29 22:00:29


Quote:Originally posted by Alex

Yes, I've seen The Happiness Patrol, I've still got it on video from when I taped it in 1987 or whenever it was. It is brilliantly surreal, and the Candyman a marvellously psychotic and preposterous villain. I hope they release that one on DVD sometime...

I've never seen ANY of the Colin Baker ones though (or Peter Davison) because they never repeat the damn things, and I didn't watch any of them the first time around. Never saw the first McCoy series either. So I don't know who Peri was, but I used to think Ace was pretty hot... don't know what I was thinking. There's just something about a girl who's not shy about being violent with a baseball bat...

This is the geekiest thread I've ever taken part in... :(

Peri wasn't a companion of the McCoy Doctor: she left when Colin was the Doctor, in all his patchwork coat glory. I have a lot of Davidson and Baker (BOTH Bakers, in fact) on VHS, being the staggeringly big fan I am. There were many versions of 'Who the theme and I've pretty much heard them all - even an unreleased John Pertwee era one - and I can conclude it's one of the finest, most recogniseable themes ever.

Speaking of beautiful music, I heard the Zelda theme on some Nintendo CD I have, performed by a full orchestra: I cried tears of joy. Absolutely incredible tune.

As for 2001: yes, the theme is a beautiful piece of music, but I prefer something with a little more of an energetic, rhythmic kick.

And I really CAN'T emphasis enough how good the Firefly theme feels when you've gotten through a whole DVD boxed set of it. Damn, I loved that show.

The theme for Farscape is intriguingly varied, too, by the way.

Posted on 2004-06-30 01:04:04


Quote:Originally posted by Troupe

Well.. Not the Blue Danube Waltz. I was thinking of the other one. baaaaaa baaaaa baaaaaaaaa. BAH BAH!!!!

B'y, yiu need some edumacatin'. Clara, bring me my learnin' stick!

Posted on 2004-06-30 01:24:00


That cool Zelda orchestra is probably the London Symphonic. I've got the main theme by them and it sounds very nice.

Posted on 2004-06-30 01:26:52


Oh, by the way.



Posted on 2004-06-30 01:27:17 (last edited on 2004-06-30 01:28:31)



Posted on 2004-06-30 01:36:51


It's been a long night,
Trying to find my way,

But through the darkness,
Now I'll truly have my day!

Posted on 2004-06-30 01:44:22




Posted on 2004-06-30 02:58:50


Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue



Surely it's not THAT bad? The original Star Trek theme sounded like someone kidnapped a small group of musicians and half the neighbourhood's cats and forced them to jam in a shed.

Posted on 2004-07-01 00:57:57

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