The Venture Bros.
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Evilbob recently introduced me to this amazing series, and I was wondering if you cats had seen it and/or love it too.

It's easily the most entertaining original-content piece I've ever seen on adult swim, and I hear it's getting shitty ratings. Which is downright tragic, but most likely (one hopes) because of it's totally sucktastic timeslot.

Posted on 2004-10-22 08:09:59


I've only seen a single episode of it, twice. But it was hilarious, possibly the best cartoon I've seen in years. Futurama comes close in terms of personal enjoyment, but I'd really like to see more of The Venture Bros. Unfortunately I never think about it, and unless I'm coding with the TV on I'm not up late enough to catch it.

Posted on 2004-10-22 13:04:36


Well, my completly not-legally-binding, hypothetical advice in such matters is to, hypothetically of course, hypothetically download any hypothetical episodes of some generic, example show (which is already in the public domain, of course) via a program that may or may not allow you to download files taht others may or may not be 'sharing' in a purely speculatory peer-to-peer manner*.

Then if you supposedly enjoyed this series (which may actually in fact be just a figment of your imagination), show your support of the very real force of capitalism, and buy a goddamn DVD (if a DVD matching your obviously caffiene-induced delusion actually exists). It's a return on the investment of entertaining you! If you want more quality entertainment, and less Friends, support your favorite underdogs.

I plan on buying The Venture Bros. DVD As soon as it comes out. I'd buy some merchandise from the Adult Swim store this very instant, except for the fact that all the Venture Bros merch kinda sucks. The watch looks kinda neat, but the image wasn't big enough to convince me.

*Unless, of course, you are a Cable Nielsen household, in which case avoiding physically watching the shows actually hurts them. Damn you, statistics! (Statistics: the science of turning the few, or the one, into the many!)

Posted on 2004-10-22 15:12:26 (last edited on 2004-10-22 15:12:43)


Edit: Oops. This is not vbulletin!

Posted on 2004-10-24 09:44:25 (last edited on 2004-10-24 09:45:02)


God, everyone has been orgasming over The Venture Bros in every corner of internet land. You guys are so late to jump on the bandwagon. NOW you discussing this? This show was big even before it was on the air. Also did you know the creator has a livejournal?

Posted on 2004-10-26 09:24:39

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