US National ID Card
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If you were not aware, tomorrow the US Senate is voting on a National ID Card.

It's bad for many reasons. (Of which that list is but a sampling.)

If you're a US Citizen, and you'd rather this bill not pass, Fax your senator a message. (The fax is done via html form at that link.)

Posted on 2005-05-09 20:12:31


Fantastic. Clearly Bush thinks that in order to understand a dictatorship you must actually become one.

The UK government has been trying to push for one of these sort of schemes for a while ('it helps prevent terrorism!') but it's so universally hated that they dare not speak it's name lately.

Posted on 2005-05-10 03:17:11



Posted on 2005-05-13 21:55:40


I was curious about this and did a search on Google News, where I stumbled upon this half-assed agrument for a National ID Card which I thought was funny.

The Hong Kong police can and do stop people at random and ask them to produce their ID cards. It is not uncommon on the streets to see a couple of policemen huddled around a young Chinese man, inspecting his ID.


Posted on 2005-05-14 05:09:01


Quote:Originally posted by Interference22

The UK government has been trying to push for one of these sort of schemes for a while ('it helps prevent terrorism!') but it's so universally hated that they dare not speak it's name lately.

Yeah, this would never have passed except they attached it to the Hugs for Kittens bill.

Posted on 2005-05-14 11:54:33


Quote:Originally posted by Gayo

Yeah, this would never have passed except they attached it to the Hugs for Kittens bill.
Really though, aren't your privacy and autonomy small prices to pay for the peace of mind that comes from knowing that kittens are being well-hugged the world over?

Posted on 2005-05-14 12:20:26


Fuck the kittens.

That's my campaign slogan. Vote Khross in 2008.

Posted on 2005-05-14 21:10:50 (last edited on 2005-05-14 21:11:40)


Nobody has been elected on a beastiality platform since John Tyler.

Posted on 2005-05-14 21:44:50


Quote:Originally posted by Khross

I was curious about this and did a search on Google News, where I stumbled upon this half-assed agrument for a National ID Card which I thought was funny.

Ah, an article from the Christian Science Monitor. Trust a Christian website to agree with stupidity: break the habit of a lifetime..

Posted on 2005-05-16 04:18:11


'In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own.' -- Thomas Jefferson

Posted on 2005-05-16 16:00:15


Quote:Originally posted by Khross

'In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own.' -- Thomas Jefferson

Hey, I'm writing that one down.

Posted on 2005-05-17 03:12:45


Just for the record, as far as I know, the Christian Science Monitor in reality involves neither Christians nor science.

Posted on 2005-05-17 10:44:03

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