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In my absense from the interweb, I decided to hone my arranging skills and decided to take an all ready made song and arrange it for an orchestra to play. So, I was listening to our beloved Aurora and was suddenly inspired.

So, for your listening pleasure (I hope) I present Aurora (Rysenated)

Basically the best way to describe it is that I've been really into film music lately (John Williams in particular) so if Sully were to ever become a movie you might hear something like this in the background. :P

Anyway, enjoy!

Posted on 2005-04-01 23:34:21


Just so you know, this is also awesome. I really like the part where ...well, I can't quite describe it, but where most of the instrument suite drops out around 2:10, you've got some neat semi-dramatic solo, and then every instrument starts building back up to re-enter with a bang around 2:35-2:40. I'd say it reminded me...of ...well, actually FFVII's 'The Extreme.' EDIT: It has the same drop-out style thing followed by a soft solo. /UNEDIT Really nice. And it sounds so polished.

EDIT: FFVIII's the Extreme. As in 8, not 7. Still awesome, though.

Posted on 2005-04-04 10:47:25 (last edited on 2005-04-04 19:20:55)



And actually that's my favourite part as well. I personally really like the piano at that part, which is basically just me improving around with the chords. It's actually quite a neat progression as it throws in an Eb in a key where Eb isn't normally played. It's pretty cool.

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)

Posted on 2005-04-04 13:54:54


Wow, I've just played this three times in a row in Winamp and it's really, REALLY nice. Sod it, I'm playing it again..

And you're right, the bit where everything quietens down is good, plus the way the music picks back up again before finishing. Sadly, I'm not well versed enough musically to be able to use any sort of moderately descriptive sentences to depict the experience but I enjoyed it nontheless.

Posted on 2005-04-07 17:35:14


Thanks! I'm glad you enjoy it. :)

Posted on 2005-04-07 22:06:47


It was terrific! XD

That said, I'm sure you can do even better. For example, I personally felt that during about 1:30-2:30, the music was somewhat repetitive. It does make the climatic drop in the intruments more spell-bounding, but I'd love to hear more variety there.

Is it possible to adjust the volume of specific intruments? The drums somehow eclipsed the more melodic tunes, IMO.

Posted on 2005-05-07 10:59:39


Sorry, I take that back. The music wasn't really the problem between 1:30-2:00 (not -2:30), it was the over-repetition of a single tune that seemed out of place. It's nothing serious though - just a personal response.

Posted on 2005-05-07 11:03:35


See if you can take this to overclocked remix and make the first Verge remix on the site.

Posted on 2005-05-07 18:13:45


Dear lord. Sully Piano Collection needs to be submitted too! :D

Posted on 2005-05-07 18:25:45


I like it.

1000th post in the forum.

(Edit: Just had to rise up and claim that one in the name of lurkers everywhere.)

Posted on 2005-05-07 20:16:02 (last edited on 2005-05-07 20:17:29)


Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

Dear lord. Sully Piano Collection needs to be submitted too! :D

If I wasn't so busy....

Posted on 2005-05-08 04:18:50


I'm completely useless at critiquing music, so I'm just going to say that this is excessively awesome, and I'm going to listen to it again. And probably again after that.

Posted on 2005-05-10 18:16:47


zomg kitty in a cup

Posted on 2005-05-10 23:46:52


Quote:Originally posted by tulokyn

I'm completely useless at critiquing music, so I'm just going to say that this is excessively awesome, and I'm going to listen to it again. And probably again after that.

Thank you! :D

Posted on 2005-05-11 00:42:49


Fantastic work. They should make an all-new Sully just so that it can use this. :)

Posted on 2005-05-20 17:56:37


Hey, Rysen, great work. It really does sound like it would be fit for 'Sully: the Motion Picture Chronicles'. My only complaint is the note cutting is a little odd on the 'pattern 6' (according to the aurora.mod) area of your remix. I'd have liked a bit better had you used a 'duh-dit-dit-duh' pattern for the lead instrument instead of 'duh-duh-duh-duh', if you know where I'm going.

Other than that minor thing, I found it excellent. Someone should make a remixed version of 'medioval' or 'mystical waters'! Aurora is great, but what about the other cool tunes in Sully? ;__;

Posted on 2005-05-21 15:45:53


Quote:Originally posted by overkill

Someone should make a remixed version of 'medioval' or 'mystical waters'! Aurora is great, but what about the other cool tunes in Sully? ;__;

I'm onto it.
I need to rehone my skillz az da' mad Azn tracka'.

Posted on 2005-05-22 09:21:47


Quote:Originally posted by overkill

Other than that minor thing, I found it excellent. Someone should make a remixed version of 'medioval' or 'mystical waters'! Aurora is great, but what about the other cool tunes in Sully? ;__;

Actually, Zathras made a whole suite of aurora remixes for the overworld of Sully 3. He also made a Piano Collection of most of the Sully Chronicles tunes.

Forget Yahweh. You should all love and fear Zathras, instead.

Posted on 2005-05-22 10:39:01


Hm... So who doesn't want Rysen to supply all the music for their games? ;-) That was excellent.

Posted on 2005-05-24 11:59:05

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