Free font- classic pixelated terminal style
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I have noticed a disturbing deficiency in fonts on this board and in the internet in general of fonts(on this board) and classic pixelated fonts(on the internet). So for your fonting pleasure, here's my terminal font. And yes, it's not transparent. I don't want it to be. Use the floodfill tool, or something.
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Posted on 2008-04-24 20:26:50


Hmm, Shouldn't this be uploaded to the file repo, rather than leaving it up on imageshack?

Posted on 2008-06-09 04:18:39


Btw: I'm actively working on making the upload/download systems on more relaible

Posted on 2008-06-20 16:49:43


shouldn't there be some sort of resource section of the site where people can upload things like this?

Posted on 2008-07-14 16:31:05


There is.

Though in fairness, I'd probably suggest it be run through a posterize filter in GIMP first. And be bundled with a whole bunch of other fonts first.

Posted on 2008-07-15 02:57:11


The resource section is currently poorly implemented. I've got a solution in the works. The files section is next on my list.

Posted on 2008-07-16 19:52:46


It does work, though.

But I'd feel guilty about uploading something which is essentially someone else's work.

Posted on 2008-07-17 03:56:04


So... you can upload it yourself and attribute it to the actual original author. That was an important feature to me.

Posted on 2008-07-17 13:49:47

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