Looking for a 32x64 entity...
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I've searched about as thoroughly as I can. I just can't seem to find an appropriate sprite for the main character for my HoV entry. All I need is a 32x64 sprite of a young adult male (aged 18-27 or so). Preferably blonde(tame hair) and average weight (no fatties or stick figures :D), but I can change the color of the hair. The problem is, it would take me a long time to set up, texture, and rig a 3d human model to render, my Poser 5 is being very naughty, and I'm not very good at pixel-by-pixel art. I haven't found any sprites on the net that were appropriate or would not require me to basically redraw the entire thing, defeating the purpose. If I can't somehow find one soon... I'll be forced to use a 2x scaled DARIN.CHR! Don't make me do it!

If anybody has a spare entity laying around on their harddrive that fits the criteria and is just collecting dust, please let me know. It would help immensely.

Posted on 2004-06-21 01:58:23


Check in the hero rancher zip.

Posted on 2004-06-21 02:38:21


Now I think I'm going blind. I can't find hero rancher ANYWHERE in the files section, though I KNOW I read something about it ealier in the year. :(

On a different note, it is impressive that the V3 files section now almost has more files than all the uploaded files for V1 and V2. Now let's just go for more than V1 and V2 combined. :D

Posted on 2004-06-21 17:26:54


its because of the excessive duplicates, I'm thinking once we can delete those only 2/3rds of the files will be left

Posted on 2004-06-21 17:38:13


Speaking of...

Thinice! Didn't you say you'd have that working a few days ago?

Posted on 2004-06-21 21:39:36


You know, you could just blow up a 16x36 chr to twice the usual size and then dejag it manually.

Posted on 2004-06-22 04:11:20


Hence my threat of a 2x scaled darin.chr. :p

Posted on 2004-06-22 12:40:58


Hero Rancher uploaded

Posted on 2004-06-22 20:29:01

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