Photoshop hates my tablet
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I'm trying to start off in the world of pixel art, by making an avatar for these forums that I won earlier this year (I was the other part of the team for Journey to Black Mountain). I'm basically starting out by taking a picture I drew in my sketchbook, scanning it, and then making it small and starting to "ink" it.

My problem is that Photoshop isn't recognizing that I have two different ends to my pen, and is making both ends do the same thing (either drawing, or erasing). Painter lets me flip the pen and erase with ease, and Kildorf says his tablet does this automatically, but he's got his setup all weird, and I'm unfamiliar with Photoshop, so I can't just go poke around in all his settings.

Can somebody help me figure out how to get my tablet to act like a tablet, and not like a really thin mouse? T_T

Posted on 2004-06-18 16:22:06


I'll forward this problem to evilbob and falthorn, who do not comb the forums like some of us losers.

Will you and Kildorf be entering this contest bonanza?

Posted on 2004-06-18 16:48:39


Thanks for forwarding it, it's highly appreciated.

As far as I know, the plan is to enter. I'm just the art girl, and Kildorf tells me what to draw. All I know so far is that I have to draw some people, and some better trees than he made in Journey. And such trees they will be! XD Just as soon as Photoshop stops hating my tablet. T_T

Posted on 2004-06-18 16:54:39


People who comb the archives are not necessarily losers!!

People who comb the archives while at work certainly are though.

... ;_;

Posted on 2004-06-18 16:58:11


Just offhand, you may want to check to see if your tablet's manufacturer has special drivers for photoshop. Their website may also just have instructions on how to help you with photoshop right out in the open.

(That's my suggestion, they're not that quick ;)

Posted on 2004-06-18 16:58:14


Yeah, I suppose it might help to say what I'm working with, hmm?

I've got a 9x12 Wacom Intuos2, running on Windows 2000, with Photoshop 7.0, and the latest drivers for the tablet.

I've checked around a bit, but don't see anyone else complaining about the same problem, in a cursory search.

Posted on 2004-06-18 17:04:20


I'd imagine you have a non-wacom brand tablet, due to the fact that PS has native wacom support. However, like Grue said, your tablet probably has a setup program where you can tweak your stylus's settings for attributes like nib functions, etc. If you do have a Wacom, you'll find this tool in the Control Panel, under "Wacom Tablet." There's a tab section called 'Tool Buttons' that will let you specifiy your stylus's button functionality.

In Photoshop I never flip the stylus for eraser mode. The eraser on my wacom is rather large and unwieldy. You're better off learning the hotkeys and swapping on the fly.

A few invaluable PS hotkeys:

B = Brush
E = Eraser
W = Magic Wand selection tool
D = Defaults colors to Black and White
X = Swaps your active colors
ALT = When in brush mode, turns into color eye dropper
Tab = Removes the UI

Once you have the hotkeys down, you can tab away the interface and go to town, and you'll work infinitely quicker.

Posted on 2004-06-18 17:15:48


you know, I get that same problem sometimes when I multitask between photoshop and other things but just restarting photoshop usually will fix it.

Posted on 2004-06-18 17:17:36


I want a sexy tablet now :(

Posted on 2004-06-18 17:20:24


I neglected to mention that if you want to use your tablet's pressure sensitivity, you have to change your brush's attributes. In PS 6/7 press F5 or go to the 'Brushes' tab on the palette wall. Under shape dynamics there's an option for Size Jitter which you can set to be modified by pen pressure and likewise for Other Dynamics/Opacity Jitter if you want a more traditional illustrated look. You can do the same for the eraser tool as well. If you don't have these options, or they don't seem to make a difference, you probably bought the Mickey Mouse brand tablet, and PS thinks it's poop. You may try downloading new drivers, or you could put on some big boy pants and buy a Wacom.

Posted on 2004-06-18 17:30:00


Thanks, Falthorn. I've always had a hard time with hotkeys. I know some of the Painter ones, but Painter, I hear, is pretty useless for pixel art. This should help a bit.

I do have an Intuos2, it just didn't occur to me at first that other people buy other sorts of tablets. ^^

McGrue: It is a sexy tablet, but I'm holding the mouse together with tape now. It's about 3 or 4 years old, and the little rubber sides on the mouse are starting to disintegrate, and turn into big smears of nubbly bits across my tablet surface if I don't have tape on them. I'd consider buying a new mouse, but they're $100 (Canadian) (at last check) and I figure within a week of getting a new mouse, my actual tablet will self destruct. -_-

Posted on 2004-06-18 17:32:58


Well, the tablets are top-notch, but Wacom makes -crappy- mice. I touched the mouse that came with my Graphire2 once or twice before I decided that it was pretty much useless. It's kind of neat how it doesn't care what direction you're holding it... but the neatness wears off after you realize just how much of a headache that gives you.

As for the Photoshop problem... reinstall Photoshop, reinstall your drivers. Like Falth said, PS has built-in support for all things Wacom, so it should work no problem. If Painter works fine, then your Photoshop install is most likely your problem.

Posted on 2004-06-18 23:13:13


The Intuos2 mouse isn't as bad as the Graphire ones. I had a Graphire (first edition) before I blew two paychecks on this one, and I despised the mouse. This one isn't so bad, and over 4 years, I've gotten used to the way it doesn't care how you hold the mouse, but it drives my friends crazy when they use it. Then they discover that I have a Dvorak keyboard, too. XD

edit: And reinstalling sounds like a good idea. Although I did get through the afternoon with the hotkeys that were posted, it would be nice to be able to flip like I'm used to.

Posted on 2004-06-19 01:29:53 (last edited on 2004-06-19 01:37:10)


Who needs a mouse? Just use the tablet for everything!

Posted on 2004-06-19 23:56:39


I'd do that if the tablet wasn't so big (9x12) and if my cat would stop thinking that my tablet is a nice bed while I'm working on it!

In other news, reinstallinng Photoshop made it stop hating my tablet, but now I also know some more hotkeys, so it works out great. ^^

Now I'm just frustrated with making sprites for the first time in my life. >_

Posted on 2004-06-20 01:34:05


Hah. My feeling toward sprites ocillates from loathing to euphoria.

I have the most fun when I'm not trying to fit a style or mold and I churn out stuff like this:

edit: Congrats on getting your tablet to go. I checked out your site, and I was very impressed with your sketches! Can't wait to see more colored pieces.

Posted on 2004-06-22 23:56:07 (last edited on 2004-06-23 00:00:07)


I always thought that was a profoundly sexy explosion.

Posted on 2004-06-24 03:04:08


Quote:Originally posted by Falthorn

edit: Congrats on getting your tablet to go. I checked out your site, and I was very impressed with your sketches! Can't wait to see more colored pieces.

Hee. Sorry to bring this topic up again (and again, and again) but I have to thank you for subtley getting on my ass about finishing pieces and learning to colour. Hopefully there will be stuff starting to go up after this HoV is over.

Posted on 2004-06-25 15:15:29


I looked at your site also after reading Falthorn's post. Holy crap, your HoV is going to rock! u r gud, plz post maor kulerd pix plz kthx.

Posted on 2004-06-25 20:13:32


Quote:Originally posted by Troupe

I looked at your site also after reading Falthorn's post. Holy crap, your HoV is going to rock! u r gud, plz post maor kulerd pix plz kthx.

Thank you Troupe, you just gave me the extra burst of motivation that I needed to continue working on this damnable walk cycle.

Posted on 2004-06-25 20:30:21

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