Pixel bitch for sale.
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I've finally decided that I've been lurking around the VERGE community for too many years without contributing anything. And, I have no knowledge of programming whatsoever, so I wouldn't be able to make a game on my own... but I'm a decent pixel artist. Not the greatest, but I'm all right. Here's some of my stuff:

So, if anyone out there is making a game and could use some help on the tile/sprite side of things, either because they suck at pixel art or would just like to speed things up a bit, post here and tell me a little about your game, and let's see what we can work out. I'm hesitant to sign on as a 'permanent' member to a team because once I go off to college (on the 20th) I'm not sure how much time I'll have to contribute. But until then I should be able to produce a decent amount of work.

Posted on 2005-08-02 23:36:36


Those are fantastic. There are next to no available artists around... somebody take that man up on the offer!
On a related note, addressed more to the admins, was there not a plan in the works to have something like a situations vacant /people for hire board set up? If so, what's the status on that?

Posted on 2005-08-03 00:10:07


Nice work. If you're willing, and Gayo's up for sharing, there are a number of new cels planned for the next version of Sully that have yet been done. Although that may not be your bag.

Posted on 2005-08-03 13:49:14


Well, I'm not usually accustomed to doing larger pieces (which I'm assuming these cels are), but if I could see a few examples then I'd be better able to say if I'd be able to do them.

Posted on 2005-08-03 14:49:14


I'm very up for sharing in theory! However, you're way better than I am, and I worry that splitting the work between two people might lead to inconsistent art. We'll see, though -- I'm way behind on cels. What sully could definitely use is some enemy art, though -- somewhere in the distant past of this board there's a thread about an enemy art cattle call. That mostly died off, but we could still use some stuff.

Posted on 2005-08-03 20:14:41


Hey, Darien! I'd definitely be willing to take up some sort of artist. I'm creating a platformer game. It will revolve around a girl's epic struggle against... grocery store ninjas (of death, and beyond, and etc.), obligatory scurvisome pirates, dangerous drunken alley hobos, and more! The player would receive a varied arsenal ranging from sharp soup cans, shopping cart vehicles, the typical sword, deadly carrot missiles, to whatever else! Yeah.

...Yes, I'm strange. But would you be willing to help? :D

Posted on 2005-08-03 20:37:36


You're good. We don't see artists here much, so I'm personally trying to develop 1337 pixel art skills.

Overkill... that's ingenious.

Posted on 2005-08-03 23:03:43


Gayo - I understand about the consistency thing. I also recall seeing that enemy thread before, but I couldn't find it. Looking back, I can't remember why I didn't submit anything... I think I'd like to try to contribute a few enemies, at least, but as much as I would like to see Sully completed, I think I'd rather put more energy into the 'third party' part of VERGE. But if someone could give me some specifics on what is needed, I'll try to help out a little.

Overkill - I'd love to help. How'd you like to talk about this? My AIM's SethB547. Or whatever is easiest for you, let me know.

CrazyAzn - Thanks. If you'd really like to improve your pixel art, I suggest posting your stuff around http://pixel-arts.org/pixelopolis/index.php, which is the temp board for the Pixelation reincarnate. Pixelation is probably the one thing that has helped me out the most.

Posted on 2005-08-03 23:19:29

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