Quick Art Question
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I've been creating a tile set using maya and 3ds max and im to the point where I am going to start the character creation process and currently thinking about using 3d modeled characters created with poser (I am horrible at pixel art which is why I chose the 3d programs which are what I am more comfortable with). I was curious if anyone has any advice for converting a poser model to a verge character file or if it is even possible (a search of the manual and forum didn't lead me to any answers). Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You

Posted on 2007-03-28 02:50:55


Well, in order to do so, there'd need to be intermediate steps. That is, convert the 3D model into a series of frames, convert transparent areas to death magenta (there is no alpha channel, only purely transparent or opaque pixels), lay them out in the typical form CHRMAK, MAKmak, or VOpenCHR expect for spritesheets, and then import them.

Posted on 2007-03-28 16:11:34

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