seeking manga artist
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Seeking manga artist to draw full scale characters for "Golden Soul" and chibi battle animations for characters and monsters.

Will pay a small commission charge.

Posted on 2006-07-05 12:17:15


I might be able to do that, but i'm not sure how well that would turn out. You should probably wait to see if you get offers from somebody with more talent than me before you make a decision.
What characters would you need?

Posted on 2006-10-08 23:56:25


Just a thought: this relates to Verge... how?

I mean, if it's done using the Verge engine, and I assume this is for commercial purposes (I mean, commission charge?), then should this "Golden Soul" be finished, you must ask for permission from Vec.

Additionally, uh... I'm not sure what you've given is enough info. Can you give us a reference to what you want? Style? Size/color limits? Animation frame limits? Target resolution?

Lastly... I've seen... too... much... manga... artwork... games. They're not bad... they're just, overdone. Just personal thoughts here.

EDIT: Verge on the GPX2, or just regular ol' programming the GPX2?

Posted on 2006-10-20 21:46:02 (last edited on 2006-10-20 21:49:40)


Here's a thought.. character portraits! There's a big difference between pixel art and character portraits, which are usually hand drawn and then touched up pixel-wise. Or maybe he wants some nice hand-drawn backgrounds. Of course this relates to verge, give the guy a break. As far as the commision thing goes, if I was trying to make a nice game I'd be happy to pay someone a small fee for things I couldn't do, even if my game was going to be free.

Posted on 2006-10-21 00:42:53


Quote:Originally posted by CrazyAznGamer

I mean, if it's done using the Verge engine, and I assume this is for commercial purposes (I mean, commission charge?), then should this "Golden Soul" be finished, you must ask for permission from Vec.

No, you don't need to ask permission for commercial usage; Verge is released under a BSD license. The FAQ is out of date.

Posted on 2006-10-21 21:21:45

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