suggestions: Seasonal tile sets?
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You know, you could just modify the curmap.tileset by blitting a png of the seasonal tilesets over the currently active vsp's image. I'd prefer that over some hacky FileRename(), especially since the changes take effect instantly and show as soon as you call Render() as opposed to reloading the map again.

Posted on 2005-11-16 18:55:44


I like it!

Posted on 2005-11-17 09:10:29


Manipulating files on the filesystem would be bad and packfile unfriendly.

Posted on 2005-11-17 17:00:53


Originally posted by mcgrue

Manipulating files on the filesystem would be bad and packfile unfriendly.

Agreed. Adding a command in V3 like "LoadVSP(string vsp)" would be pretty ace though: rather than having some tilesets as VSPs and some as PNGs (for blitting over the normal ones) it would be quick and simple (fewer lines of code for a start) to just have something that flushes out the current tileset and loads a different one in its place.

Posted on 2005-11-28 18:14:53

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