Tablets are rocking cool
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Finally bought a tablet the other day and I must say I love the damn thign already. It was a bit hard at first but I'm actually starting to get the hang of it. Check these posts in my LiveJournal for a few examples of my recent doodling. I'll post the pics here too if anyone objects to having to click a few more times to see 'em.


Posted on 2004-06-14 23:58:15


[Edit: Realised I wasn't very helpful there. Good drawing overall, but the slight wonkyness of features and sketched lines on the face lead to a slightly odd effect. My (unartistic) advice would be to minimise the number of 'outline' lines and just keep redrawing untill everything is vaugely symetrical. As the body as much better in this respect, I'm sure it would present you no problem at all. Keep it up.]

Really good, apart from the fact she's dog ugly.

Oh dear, better not have said that, might be a portrait of his girlfriend...


Posted on 2004-06-15 00:17:41 (last edited on 2004-06-15 15:02:51)


Relax, I don't have a girlfriend. I just picked up the stylus and got sketching. First time with a tablet, really, so you can expect things to be a little wonky. I got a little more used to it today. How's this little rendition?

It's a character for a comic book I intend on drawing but, er, haven't. Yet. Henceforth, the character actually has a name.

The last pic was more of an exercise in learning the ins and outs of the tablet but now I'm a little more comfortable with the tablet and, as you can see, this one is significantly more sandwhiches less short of the full picnic. Not too happy about the colouring, but I am still experimenting to see what works and what doesn't.

Posted on 2004-06-15 23:42:59 (last edited on 2004-06-15 23:43:22)


Yey! Great stuff Int, straightening stuff up and cleaning the lines a little has made such a big difference. Just to keep up the c, I think the irises might benefit from being slightly larger, but I really don't have any compliant over the colouring - very solid work. Improving it will just be a question of experimentation I think.


Posted on 2004-06-15 23:47:52


Certainly could agree on the irises. I work on an A3 photoshop file so things can sometimes lose their perception (plug! ... oh, never mind..) of size. Like irises, for instance.

The dress looks bizarre since I was fiddling around with sweeping lines to give a less PVC-esque feel to it. Still, it turned out nice.

Posted on 2004-06-16 00:01:42


That is highly awesome. I very much dig the handrawn look, especially the head. MOAR PIX PLZ.

Posted on 2004-06-16 07:00:46

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