The hero/villain of my work-in-progress
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Everyone, meet Logan. He's the lead male character of my work-in-progess, Ang Falariem (working title). Not really the hero OR villain. Rather, he switches back and forth as the story progresses. This is him in one of the "darker" chapters of the saga.

Comments / suggestions / rants / raves are ALL welcome.

Posted on 2006-01-24 12:59:31


Chozo, try rehosting the image with and then link it here! Your webhost apparently doesn't like remote linking.

EDIT: Awesome. The time difference in the servers made this post go above Grue's!

Posted on 2006-03-22 16:14:09 (last edited on 2006-03-22 16:17:49)


Whar'd teh image go? :( :(

Holy crap, is the server's time off?!

Posted on 2006-04-02 01:54:53 (last edited on 2006-03-22 23:24:17)


Any chances of getting that picture somewhere that you can show it off, Chozojedi? I'm really curious to see it but it's all broken-linky. :(

Posted on 2006-04-06 21:23:14


Wow. I posted this a while back and got no response. That, and the fact that I'm a bit daunted by using Verge (I ain't no programmer) kept me from following up.

If it's all the same, here it is.

Be brutal. Be honest. I seriously need to get rolling. This project died a month ago. After six years, I really don't want to leave it at that.

Posted on 2006-04-18 19:39:25


Interesting. The eyes and head are pretty much evil and foreboding. But is it just me, or does the mouth look a bit...feminine?

It's quite apparent that you're very good at shadows, too.

Why did your project idea die?

Posted on 2006-04-18 21:33:52 (last edited on 2006-04-18 21:33:53)


Quote:Originally posted by Omni

But is it just me, or does the mouth look a bit...feminine?

The mouth just seems feminine because stylistically, manga styled portraits exhibit a very simple styled mouth, and lips are usually drawn on females in manga, if drawn at all. Otherwise, it's just you Omni :D, because lips are pretty uniform in both genders (minus lipstick of course.) And there was this one manga with lips that was quite sexy. Forgot it though.

Chozo: The portrait is interesting. The hair, however, needs to be redone. Not only is it not stylistically in sync with the rest of the portrait, but unless the guy has freakish poorly done highlights, shadows will not fall unto the hair like that. Plus, his skull seems a bit malformed (on our top right).
Other than those, I find him rather interesting. Personally, I'd go for a completely different style than manga-ish, but that's because I've seen too much, personally drawn too much, and other art styles can be very interesting. But that's me, pay no mind. I like your portrait overall. I am a pixel artist, so I really can't offer you any technical help (unless I make the portrait into pixel art and do an edit from there).


I couldn't help myself :D. It was converted to B+W for my convenience, and hand-pixeled over. The red is there to show you the part of his head you forgot.

Posted on 2006-04-18 22:30:36 (last edited on 2006-04-18 23:00:07)


Wow. Thanks guys.

@ CrazyAznGamer: Actually, I don't read manga, and I was really tired when I did this. It was a concept drawing that I screwed up. Instead of tossing it, I gave it a shot. As you see, it's done in pen - I typically don't like using pencil, which only gives you one shot at doing it right. In fact, the mouth is one of the things I consider "screwed up".

As for the strange highlights, here's to explain the part of the story where this concpet comes into play:

Logan invades an Imperial fortress, after having lost his mind, and kills EVERYONE in sight. This concept art is of him, emerging from the shadows, with torch light flickering in the dark corridor, and the look of satisfaction as he moves in to kill another. In hindsight, I could've done better, but like I said - it was a botched drawing that I attempted to slavage somehow.

@ Omni: I am one of those people who belives 95% of all anime/manga sucks donkey balls. These are the only exceptions:

Masamune Shirow's films; Cowboy Bebop; Samurai Champloo; Neon Genesis Evangelion (the odd one of the lot); Akira; or any of Miyazaki or Takahata's films.

As such, I am faced with a conundrum. There is a heavy influence of technology in the story – it's not sci-fi, however. That's just the state of evolution for the society. Every other idea I come up with is either too futuristic, too cliched-mecha-style, or simply BORING. I'm in the process of working things out.

Of course, there is a totally cheesy, cliched, mecha-style work in progress I have called XGV Unit 03. But that one has been on the back burner for so long, and I don't care about quality on that one. I started work on Ang-Falariem in late 1996 (a TOTALLY different story then) and I really consider it my brainchild.

Posted on 2006-04-19 11:42:47 (last edited on 2006-04-19 11:47:38)


Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

Whar'd teh image go? :( :(

Teh image was destroyed during teh post Holocaust of... a few days ago.
Luckily, I still have an edit of the image. Not the original, sadly, but eh.

If I remember correctly, I sooper contrasted it to B&W so I can work on it pixelbypixel, changed the shading on his hair, and placed red to reference the area teh original artist forgot to include in his head...

Yar. Fun.

Posted on 2006-04-23 17:24:17


So, when are we gonna see a demo? ;)

Posted on 2006-05-19 15:12:25


Quote:Originally posted by chozoJedi

I am one of those people who belives 95% of all anime/manga sucks donkey balls. These are the only exceptions:

Masamune Shirow's films; Cowboy Bebop; Samurai Champloo; Neon Genesis Evangelion (the odd one of the lot); Akira; or any of Miyazaki or Takahata's films.

AGREED!! And seconded!! (and so forth)

By teh way Grue... did you also mean me when you asked for a deemo? (I checked teh thread title, yes)

If so, I must apologize. I had to dump alotta old stuffs because their code wuz perty crap. Sorry, but if you do see a demo from me, expects them pixelated eye-candies of yum-yum gumdroppies. *cough* *hack*

Posted on 2006-05-20 20:53:08


So... when? ;D

Posted on 2006-05-20 21:45:01


Quote:Originally posted by mcgrue

So... when? ;D

When pigs start flying. ;D (reliably true)

Posted on 2006-05-23 18:15:15

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