I'M BACK!!!... again....
Anyways, while I was away, I was tinkering with the ol' dusty tracker in the top shelf of my HD. It (or should I say "I") was a bit rusty, but after a bit, I got it spitting out beats and melodies and such.
I decided to track a few s3ms, since, well, those days people used s3ms, tracks kicked some
serious ass. (I give my proper thanks to Future Crew)
I tracked 3 trackes, each around 5 minutes long, combined: 15:59.
That's pretty damn long considering I did it. In a week. :o
I also have gotten better, even as I was making these tracks. They go in the following order (as I made them, of course):
Freefall Dyslexia: Starting out, I guess I wasn't too bad, but then again, I'm not too happy with the intro. Other than that, I'd pat myself on the back, but then, I'd be a narcissist.
Submergence: After some criticism from my good friend, I created a pretty experimental track, which is now submergence. I am fairly certain this is the best out of the three.
Land of Turks: Turk theme remix.
Without further ado: