Trio de Choco!
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Here's the mp3 of a song I mentioned in another thread.

It's an arrangement of the famous Chocobo Theme written for 2 flutes and an oboe, which was set to be performed but because one of the fluteists fell ill it never happened. :( Either way, I was still pretty happy with how it turned out. ^_^

It's uploaded to free file host I found in hopes that I won't run into the same problems that I have with the web host I use.


Posted on 2004-06-08 17:38:49



It is a great travesty that that was never performed live. ;_;

Posted on 2004-06-08 18:14:11


Is this a live recording or a synth of your arrangement?

Posted on 2004-06-08 21:56:47


Sounds very synthy to me. Nice samples, tho!

Posted on 2004-06-08 22:39:29


Yes, they are synth. Sorry, I didn't make that clear.

Yeah :( But I still have the sheet music around, and I'm friends with tonnes of musicians, I'm sure at some point I could get it performed, though....I just don't have too many opportunities now, being finished with High School concerts and all....who knows?

I think if I was to ever invest the time to have people actually play something for a live recording, I'd probably arrange one of my own works though.

Posted on 2004-06-09 01:25:15 (last edited on 2004-06-09 01:30:07)


Dear Mr. Rysen

I visited your site and was delighted to find additional music there. I downloaded it all and have been listening to it. However, I have found that my playlist is much too short and has repeated a number of times since I began listening to it.

If, in the future, you make more music (and I encourage you to do so) please let us all know so that we may lengthen our sadly lacking-in-length playlists of Rysenmusik.

Thank you,

Posted on 2004-06-09 01:29:06


Thank you very much for your comments Kildorf. :)

Truth be told, I have a ton of music, just no web space to upload it to, as well as the bandwidth limitations by my host. I am too poor to buy good web space at the moment, but hopefully I'll be able to upload more in the future. This is why I miss Traxinspace, as I just uploaded everything I did to there. (Although back then I was just starting and my mods were horrible ;_;)

Anywho, thanks again for your "letter". I'm very glad you enjoy my music, as it's what I love to do more than anything. With this new art board, I'll try my best to let people know when I have some thing new. :)

Posted on 2004-06-09 01:37:00


Being a long-time associate of Mr. Rysen, I have a great deal many mods composed by the magnificent musician. I would be happy to send them to you (I'm sure he would be embarassed, but I like them) over IRC. Thus you may expand your playlist with much good tunes. Also, I see you have taken after our beloved and respected C.M. Dratz in the formatting of your posts. Most magnificent and respectful.


You should arrange Anna's Theme, Rysen.

Posted on 2004-06-09 02:19:00


Depending on what you send Troupe, I may let you live. ;P

All the stuff on my site, aside from the NES remixes, were done using VST Instruments, so the quality is much higher than my old mods. Still, I agree that my later mods were pretty good....just don't go too far back okay Troupe? ;P

Also, my HoV entry, Phoenix Flame, had a bunch of my music and I didn't use a packfile so if you download that there's like 5 more songs I believe....

As for arranging Anna's theme....yeah, that's probably the one I'd do, but I don't know many string players and I don't think it would be as good without them.

Posted on 2004-06-09 03:17:37


I believe I'll take you up on that, Troupe. Not tonight though! It's nearly my bed time.

Perhaps tomorrow night or sometime soon when it is convenient for us both.

Posted on 2004-06-09 03:21:33



Posted on 2004-06-09 17:30:45


Quote:Originally posted by Rysen

Yes, they are synth. Sorry, I didn't make that clear.

Arhar! I knew everything was too fluidly slurred and lacking breathing noises on the flutes.

I was all "wait... that's not right... ;_;"

Edit: Also, about arranged music of Square or Enix tunes, there's a ton out there already, pro and amatuer. Google can tell you all about it.

Posted on 2004-06-10 00:50:02 (last edited on 2004-06-10 00:51:31)


Edit: Also, about arranged music of Square or Enix tunes, there's a ton out there already, pro and amatuer. Google can tell you all about it.

Oh definately. Check out

He has a whole bunch, by various people, and also does his own pretty sweet piano remixes of FF tunes.

Actually a friend of mine and myself learned the Piano+Violin duet of Aeris' theme from that site. If I remember correctly there's a couple of live recordings of an orchestra playing full arrangements of FFVII's soundtrack. Pretty sweet stuff, though I would have killed to go see the concert Uematsu just had in California ;_;

Posted on 2004-06-10 02:16:17 (last edited on 2004-06-10 02:30:29)


Actually the problem of determining whether its a real flute or not can be, I believe, detected through listening to the tuning. All the flutes in the bands I were in took a terribly long time to tune, and they are easily out of tune also. Don't even go to the piccolo.

Posted on 2004-06-10 02:48:03


Actually Grue, it was mentioned in the initial post, and also in another thread that this was not a live recording. Rysen made it perfectly clear, you are just a dunderhead ;_;

Posted on 2004-06-10 04:51:53

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