Yaaaay. Map screenshot.
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Yesterday marked the first time I've seriously played with Maped3, and this is what came out. It's not much, but I'm proud of it, no matter what anyone says! *sob*

Link here.

Posted on 2004-07-13 00:09:12


Nice job. Especially nice grass. Keep it up! :)


Heh! Looks like we can both call arias a newbie. ;)

Posted on 2004-07-13 00:14:17 (last edited on 2004-07-13 00:16:01)


Yeah, the grass is sweet. It'd be nice if you had a few alternate wall tiles with blemishes or something, but it looks very good.

Posted on 2004-07-13 02:52:17


Very good work! I like that style, reminds me a bit of Ultima Online stuff. Also yeah, would be cool if things didn't look shiny perfect. Add a crack or blemish here and there. Dead squirrels mashed into the walls and so forth! Great work nevertheless!

Posted on 2004-07-13 08:25:16


That looks way better than anything I could do.

Posted on 2004-07-13 15:00:54


Niiice! Here's a screenshot of my idle musings in Maped, straight from in-game (only way to get the shadow transparencies to render):

(crappy JPEG compression, since PNGs of this picture seem to be staggeringly large for my poor old 56k.. Hrm..)

As you can see, I too have some nice grass, although the compression has made it rather blurry so you can't really see it in all its greatness. Not so many building tiles, mind you but I'm working on it! I've got two brick tiles, one normal and one that has a little wear drawn into it. It's not a whole LOT of wear (you'd be hard pressed to spot it, in fact) but it does enough to break up the monotony of the texture enough for the eyes to notice it. Note, also, a little light noise spread here and there to give everything a slightly sharper and more aged feel.

Really like your trees, although the trunk on the big one needs fiddling around with near the bottom to make it more "trunky."

Nice to see more people embracing 640x480!

Posted on 2004-07-14 00:17:21


That looks really nice. One suggestion (which you have probably thought of already) is to make some shadows under the trees and statues. That helps to make things less flat-looking.

Posted on 2004-07-14 00:19:31


Looking good, Interference22!

And thanks for all the comments and suggestions, guys. I'll go over and fix a few things that I missed.

So, like, I made a jet-powered gypsy caravan today.

Here it is.

There's still a bit to be done like surroundings and such, but I'm just trying to cover all the necessary maps before going back for detail.

Posted on 2004-07-14 03:15:52


Quote:Originally posted by Tralu

Looking good, Interference22!

And thanks for all the comments and suggestions, guys. I'll go over and fix a few things that I missed.

So, like, I made a jet-powered gypsy caravan today.

Here it is.

There's still a bit to be done like surroundings and such, but I'm just trying to cover all the necessary maps before going back for detail.

Nice! Aside from Love Revolution, you're not still working on Cyberwizards, are you? I remember playing that quite a while back and it was highly rocking cool.

Posted on 2004-07-14 23:29:34


Yes. Imagine my suprise when I saw the name "Tralu". I was thinking, hey, he's that bitch who did Cyberwizards, no? :) It was pretty promising.

Welcome back.

Posted on 2004-07-15 02:45:29


in the name of keeping the thread alive, I present to you... my attempt at a map... saga frontier 2 style ^_^

I never really went as far with it as I wanted to but the project was x-ed =p

Posted on 2004-07-16 05:04:22 (last edited on 2004-07-16 05:05:23)


Interference22: I think I have subconsciously been working on Cyberwizards since Sunday, so I guess the answer is yes. I didn't think anyone remembered my baby.

And I really like that map, RageCage! Was that map made from one picture, or did you integrate a few pictures separately? I'm not familiar with Saga Frontier 2 myself, but I wouldn't mind playing a game with that kind of style.

Posted on 2004-07-16 06:42:15


Rage: I'd suggest you get the perspective on the planes at the back a little more angled, the perspective looks a little wrong ^_^; Otherwise, that's a promising setup. :)

Posted on 2004-07-16 08:00:50


Oooh, a hand-drawn-looking RPG! That's an idea I've mused over a few times. Bloody hard too do though. Still it looks NICE.

Posted on 2004-07-16 23:05:56


I take credit for some of the colors. Also for the idea in the first place. Too bad that project was cancelled, I thought Rage did a great job. By the way, SaGa Frontier II features maps upon maps of Square-caliber handdrawn graphics. A true marvel of the Playstation era. It's cheap off ebay too ;)

Posted on 2004-07-17 04:11:34


Perspective on in game maps can be tricky anyway. And if you want to show as much as possible in the map, you're going to have to fudge something somewhere. Great work, everyone. In the name of good maps, keep it up.

Posted on 2004-07-17 20:08:52



You did an excellent job with your map. I especially like the "style" of tree that you produced. If i may suggest something, I'd say that "theme" of your art as a whole is a really important deal. not that every peice look exactly the same, but that you can definitely tell that the same artist did all the work. in that respect, i think the trees were going somewhere really interesting, and i'd suggest that you take that effect or technique that u used to make the tree and apply it to all the tiles. maybe not in an extreme way, but i like the way it looks like paint brush strokes created the tree, and i think if the coloring on the bricks to the castle were shaded in a similar fashion that you'd have your very own "style" of art for your game.

Posted on 2004-08-27 02:15:23


I love your concept Rage! I had a similar concept, only I also wanted to do all the characters in that style as well, to where everything on the screen essentially looked hand drawn, and any screenshot taken would look like a cel from an animated film (including the style of the menus, etc.)

Work continues, only my game will be in ika ;)

Posted on 2004-09-03 17:25:16

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