A question, and a cool camera trick
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First of all, I upgraded my game from 2.7rc3 to 2.7rc4...

... and my textbox no longer works (it blits the background texture of the box to the top-left corner of the screen rather than behind the textbox) ...

... and my main menu no longer works (when you change selections, you hear the sound to signify the change, but the pointer doesn't move) ...

Is 2.7rc4 really unstable, or am I doing something horribly wrong? Everything worked from rc1-rc3... Should I be having problems, or will they be fixed (hopefully) next compile? Help me, Speedy! :(

On another note, a while ago I posted my psuedo-code on something I called the PsychoCamera. Well, it works in the latest release of 2.7, so here's the code:

PsychoCamera=Entity(55*16,39*16, 'Melf.chr') #Any CHR will work
PsychoCamera.Chase(player, 30)

If you can't tell what it does by just looking at it (newbie), dump it in the start of a map script and watch the magic.

Posted on 2001-09-22 14:16:57


no idea.

If you like, you can zip up all the code and send it to me. (make sure it's got everything I'd need to actually run and test it)

"Ignorance is its own reward" -- Proverb

Posted on 2001-09-22 23:56:23

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