A Simple Request
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Would someone (tsb) mind putting in another global variable that holds the name of the current map? It doesnt seem a very hard thing to do...

Posted on 2001-01-02 10:53:47



Yeah, I understand the likes of Quantum Physics and Molecular Theory. What's the point? I just need you to tie my shoes.

Posted on 2001-01-02 13:20:36


Lunarbeam: if you don't know how, it'd just be something like this:

Somewhere in your system.vc at the beginning, put:

string mapname;

Then, make a void function in system.vc that looks something like this:

void MapSwitch (string newmap) {
mapname = newmap;
Map (newmap);



Posted on 2001-01-02 15:35:22


I COULD do that, but don't you think that having a variable that already stores this is more intuitive? I mean, you're gonna have to have that little section of text in EVERY SINGLE map file...it wouldn't be hard to just add that feature in the next release of Verge, would it? It's just a feature suggestion, not a demand...

Posted on 2001-01-02 19:54:10


...you won't have to have that section of text in every mapfile... just in SYSTEM.VC. Then, as long as you use MapSwitch instead of Map, you'll always have the mapname variable to work with, without adding *anything* else to your map VCs.

Still, you're right, it would be a good thing to add. VERGE2 seems to have stripped away a lot of the simpler things that made VERGE1 so easy to use, like the VC layer, text boxes, fadein, fadeout, etc... sure, they're all recreatable, but it couldn't hurt to have them.


Posted on 2001-01-02 20:53:06

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