All Programs Crash When Running
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I downloaded the newest official release of Verge, and I followed the instructions in the tutorial, but every single program that I ran (Vcc, Verge, Pcx2fnt, Trans) all gave me the same error (except Maped, I got that to work):

Exiting due to signal SIGSEGV
General Protection Fault at eip=00002cc4
eax=fffd0000 ebx=00000000 ecx=0000029f

All of the above programs gave me the same error. And yes, I did do everything in the tutorial, I setup all the required files correctly -- actually, I pasted them from another game because when I tried to create my own font etc. it gave me the same error. Is it because I'm running Windows XP, perhaps?

Posted on 2002-01-23 22:11:37


Original v2 is for DOS, along with the other smaller utilities and chr editors. Windows XP does not support DOS. You should be able to run WINv2 no problem, which is pretty much just like dos v2 except for windows. Grab it via the new beta link on the news page.

Posted on 2002-01-23 22:31:23


Ahh I see, coolness. Thank you so much! :-)

Posted on 2002-01-23 22:36:56


Quick question though, what about the utitilies? Like Chrmak, Fntmak, Pcx2fnt, Trans, etc.?

Posted on 2002-01-23 22:41:21


I think you're pretty much out of luck! :P
Maped and Vcc will work I'm pretty sure, but unless you can get access to a DOS computer I don't know how you can make chr's. All the chr editors and pcx to chr utilities that I know of are for DOS.

Posted on 2002-01-24 10:46:58


Posted on 2002-01-24 17:49:58

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