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Since I have some knowledge of C++ (and I plan to do it as a career when I'm 18), I will look at the VERGE2.7 code, where can I d/l the C++ compiler you used? I have Borland Turbo C++ 3.0, but that doesn't like compiling VERGE2_7.

Posted on 2001-05-30 20:26:51


I used MSVC6, which isn't free. You'd have to buy it. If you're serious about C++, it's a worthy investment anyway.

'Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.' -F. Scott Fitzgerald

Posted on 2001-05-30 20:45:46


how much is it? I am 15 at the moment, but next year I'm getting a job (and I am going to be selling some software on the net), and I am willing to save the money for years if need-be.

Posted on 2001-05-30 21:31:13


I spent $180CAN on the standard edition. (about 80 bucks US)

I should also point out that, though I used MSVC myself, you could try to use another compiler. I don't make use of any particularly weird C++ features, so it might work. :)

All you need to compile it is the DirectX SDK. (version five or so) It uses zlib and libpng as well, but those are included. (look in the common directory for the libs and such)

'Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.' -F. Scott Fitzgerald

Posted on 2001-05-30 21:46:56


let me guess, I have to buy that too? I spent $40 ($55.99CAN) on a GameSDK developers guide, only to find out I need the "Microsoft Games Software Development Kit", along with MVC4 or higher...

Where can I buy DirectXSDK and how much is it?

(if theres anything else I need, I'll just use my Delphi4 DirectX SDK components, and re-write the engine in pure 32bit :p)
(though I am 80% done with an RPG-GraphicalMUD, see for details :p)

Posted on 2001-05-30 22:04:21


BorlandC++ gives out there compiler for free. It doesn't have a GUI, but I can program one in a day (like I programmed VEW2 in one day!). Do you think that would work (if I had the DX SDK)?

Posted on 2001-05-30 22:14:36


Yes, it would work, although you'd have to do some research on the right way to wire DirectX and Borland C++ together; there's probably a few tutorials on the net that tell you how to do it, if you're willing to search for them. You could also use MingW, which is a free gcc-based compiler, although I imagine it takes more work to get it to work with DirectX; there are online tutorials for this also.

And yes, the DirectX SDK is free, if you don't mind downloading something like 100Mb. You can also order it on CD from Microsoft for around $10.

Posted on 2001-05-30 22:32:17


nah, i don't mind the 100 meg download, I have downloaded a 344 meg file before (took 20 hours :). Where can I find MingW, and where can i find DxSDK?

Posted on 2001-05-30 22:37:50


You'll need the 'Platform SDK'. (They might still distribute the DirectX SDK seperately, but I don't think so.)

( )

Posted on 2001-05-30 22:58:48


Yep, I'm converting the MapEd, and Vergec docs into help files, and am adding a FAQ too, I should be done with VEW2 within 12 hours (I will have wrote this whole thing in under a day :)

Posted on 2001-05-30 23:06:08


Go to:

Then, in the menus on the left:
- Click on Developer.
- Click on Developer downloads.
- Click on DirectX 8.0a SDK.

You can figure it out from there.

If you haven't used MingW or gcc before, you will probably have an easier time using Borland C++ with the DirectX libraries. Here is a page that describes how to use DirectX 8.0 with Borland C++ Builder; the instructions should work similarly for the free command-line version:

I'm afraid that's about all the help I can give, since I don't use Borland C++, MingW, or the DirectX SDK.

Posted on 2001-05-30 23:15:20


it said -nt-, but i'm sure that wont stop you from clicking this :)

Posted on 2001-05-30 23:17:46


Takes you one day to code a fully functional GUI? Are you using any [free] C++ wrappers out there that makes this easy? Or do you use pure Win32 or MFC?

If anyone knows of any good C++ wrappers for Windows GUI coding and/or good toturials on MFC please tell me.

Posted on 2001-05-31 19:21:47

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