Answers, TQFA battlesystem and stuff...
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First of all... what was there? Yup. The crashing is due to the wonderful V1, so you just gotta retry that part (and it should work without any problems... ) The three chapters (if you do everything there's to be done), might amount to ... 5 hours or so.
I'm a bit foolish here, but I should have mentioned that old saves don't work on this one, 'cos this has been so heavily changed, most noticably the part playing the battlesystem of the 'paper rock sciccors' type. Or well, they actually MIGHT work, but things might seem a bit odd, and you'll miss all the new stuff...
The journal entries, hmmm... With this demo I made the requested option of being able to skip the intro, and I also tried the 'skipping' of journal entries, but... Sheesh, I don't know what I did wrong, but I always ended up in a endless loop... Yikes. I've once made it successfully, but then decided not to have it, and now I can't remember anymore how to do it... (and work is taking too much of my time to let me just sit down to think about it, hehe...)
Well, I guess that's about it all..
-Lady D
Posted on 2001-07-26 00:44:09