Are there any good free tile resources?
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I'm trying to develop an RPG library for Linux, but I need some tiles to test out.
I'm not the best artist, and am having troubles converting pics into tiles. Are there any free tile sites out there
where I can grab some to test?


Posted on 2000-11-22 04:36:52


Well, if you just want to test them, you can just use colored blocks...

Fancy art is rare enough that it shouldn't be wasted on a test for a GameLib...

But that's just my opinion...

Praetor - Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman.

Posted on 2000-11-27 00:17:57


yeah you can go to tVS

CHICKEN WARZ and now a quote from the game: "WOW look at the C-4 explosives!", " There is enough in here to blow a crater", " In the continent,umm I'd" ," Better leave that alone ~_~"

Posted on 2000-12-04 01:11:19


ahhh uyou all suck hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahaha, yeah yeah , smoke ur weed, and get out! hahahahahhaa

CHICKEN WAREZ and now for a quote from the game: " Ahhh, Sniper Fire!", " Hit the ground, A team, Set up a battery", " and blow that sucker right out", " of the window!!" These lines subject to change.

Posted on 2000-12-07 02:34:56

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