attention ulver (again)
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I tried that hicolor VSP thing. Here's what I came up with:

In v26 (which auroraborealisis and I are using), VSPs created with v2+i's bmp2vsp (which is necessary for hicolor VSPs) are no longer in the correct format, and won't work.

In v2+i, these VSPs work fine. The v2+i package not only supports, but *requires* hicolor for VSPs *and* CHRs, but it works. Unfortunately, tSB's MapEd doesn't have that nifty tile editor... :(

Also, v2+i comes with a util, vspconv.exe, which allows you to convert normal VSPs (I assume v1 *and* v2, of the 256-color variety) into hicolor V16s for v2+i. But any VSP (as opposed to V16) created with bmp2vsp is already hicolor, so it doesn't need to be converted.

Further, v2+i's verge.exe and MapEd recognize both VSP and V16 as acceptable vsp formats, and will load both. Apparently, the engine looks for V16's first, but since VSPs made with bmp2vsp are hicolor, you don't need to worry about that.

So it looks like hicolor maps are currently only possible with v2+i. If you're using that, you're all set. If not, should have the whole download package, complete with utils and a demo. Check the VC files... tSB also made a menu system, party system, and item system! Kudos for that.

Feel free to post any further questions.

That is all.


We don't need better engines, we need better creation tools!

Posted on 2001-07-21 12:42:45


Sorry, forgot to add this to my message :)

Could you make a bmp2map program? Drawing a map in PS and turning into a VSP gets tedious when I have to place each tile individually in MapEd.

That is all.


We don't need better engines, we need better creation tools!

Posted on 2001-07-21 12:44:44


ive been using the grid thingy in photoshop and copy and pasting each tile one by one onto a tile set image... it makes my arm swore!! Is this how u are doing it Invicticide or do you have a better way? But yeah.. a prog that chopped up your picture for you AND converted them to a tile set would rock.

Posted on 2001-07-21 22:24:10


"Ignorance is its own reward" -- Proverb

Posted on 2001-07-22 10:01:01



We don't need better engines, we need better creation tools!

Posted on 2001-07-22 11:42:10

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