Battle system
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Hi all!
I would like to know a way to make a battle system
in the Zelda type, i'm making a demo in verge and i know that not a lot of people uses this one. Thanks in advance!


Posted on 2001-03-17 17:43:31


Uh, it's pretty complicated. To start, you'll probably want pixel accurate movement, which means the default entity system is right out. Then you'll need to code your own follower/fighting AI for the enemies, probably your own animation system, and do this all in real time.

It's hardly impossible, but I think you need to get a good feel for VERGE before you try something like this. You might try checking the battle systems on though, I think they might have a Zelda-type system that you could study/modify for your game.


--- Square's making money. We're making art.

Posted on 2001-03-17 18:18:25


Try one of those first. :)

'Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence.' -Albert Einstein

Posted on 2001-03-17 20:09:04


Did you ever played Tales of destiny? This is another type of battle system that some people hould look at. If you played, then is it as hard? =P


Posted on 2001-03-17 21:18:57


I've played Tales of Phantasia. I assume it's the same. That would be much easier, but still take some work.


--- Square's making money. We're making art.

Posted on 2001-03-17 21:39:18


What is the battle engine?

Posted on 2001-03-17 22:05:21


A silly side-scrolling action thing where you mash buttons until the enemies die.


--- Square's making money. We're making art.

Posted on 2001-03-17 22:56:40


Yeah, i think thats it.
I'll make a turn basen system for now, and try something else later..I'm so newbie in coding..

By the way, i have lotsa questions:
First of all, putting an image(company logo) in the beginning, i tried something with image and wait, but it didnt work *sob sob*

Second, i have a 16x16 char and it seems like he is standing on top of each tile, i dont know if you understand what i mean. If hes standing in a door frame, it will look like he was on top of it.

Finally, music =). I wanted to know if you knew a good program to make these easily.

Thanks in advance, even if you dont reply =P


Posted on 2001-03-18 00:28:33


1) what does your code look like?
2) Change the renderstring, it defualts 1E.
If you want a layer to be over top of the characters, that number would be after the E, and vice versa.
3) Its harder than it sounds. has a tracker and resources, so check there.

TheGerf, not just any gerf.

Posted on 2001-03-18 03:22:24


That doesn't work because VERGE refreshes the screen during the wait function. It's only meant to pause the action in the game itself. To put a logo on the screen you need to set up a small rendering loop.

void LogoDisplay(string logo, int span)
int k, img;


while (k>0)
while (timer)
CopySprite(0,0, 320, 240, img);


LogoDisplay("mylogo.pcx", 400);
would display the contents of mylogo.pcx (which if it isn't 320x240, be sure to change the code to match.) for four seconds.

Alternately, you could just do SetRString("R"); first, which should prevent the screen from refreshing. Just make sure you set it back to whatever it was afterwards so that your map can render. I wouldn't recomend that, though. It's the cheap way out, and it'll only cause you trouble later on.


--- Square's making money. We're making art.

Posted on 2001-03-18 14:06:54


That code should have been indented, but the board seems to eat TAB characters...


--- Square's making money. We're making art.

Posted on 2001-03-18 14:10:18


I know about the renderstring, its not what i meant.
What i meant is that the character is standing on the first pixel on top of the tile:
| (oo) |
|=( )= |
| ||| |
-------- normally it looks like this(well..kinda)

=( )=
| |
|_______| thats where my char is

Sorry for the awful ascii =)


Posted on 2001-03-19 01:12:41


hum he wasnt supposed to like like that... =)

Posted on 2001-03-19 01:15:07


Whoah!? I don't really understand what you're trying to say/draw. What size is the chr, and what program do you use? If you wanted to get a screen shot, that would help too.

TheGerf, not just any gerf.

Posted on 2001-03-19 04:55:03


I haven't created a CHR is quite a while, but there's a offset value you're supposed to set when creating it in CHRMAK that controls how far 'above' the tile the sprite will appear. I'm pretty sure it's "hot_y". Set it to number of pixels above the tile the character should be drawn. Also, if your sprite is larger than 16 pixels in width, you'll need to use "hot_x" to center it. Double check with the docs, but I think I'm correct.


--- Square's making money. We're making art.

Posted on 2001-03-19 15:34:25

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