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To say that I was dissappointed to see such a unified distain for Python is a bit of an understatement. To put it simply, I was stuck. VC wasn't going anywhere, adding anything to the codebase was a torturous affair involving hammering the new feature in, while hoping that the rest of the system wouldn't collapse. Python solved that. So my choices seemed to be a) leave, b) do it anyway, and kill off what's left of VERGE's community or c) code the VC anyway, even though it made this more like a full-time job than any kind of source of personal enjoyment. Not very appealing options.

Then a few people in #vchelp began looking at the documentation. Thrasher in particular has been practically orgasming every few minutes over some aspect or other of the langauge. (and, frankly, I'm just as impressed as he is) He's not the only one either. Other people, probably "overhearing" (or whatever you want to call the IRC equivalent of such) the conversation, started looking themselves.

That said, it should be no surprise that I'm going to continue to use Python in v2.7. Before next weekend, (June 9th) I hope to release what should be the last v2.7 beta, and the first to use Python instead of VC. The first full release will occur some time after that.

"I can make it so much better, if I restart."

Not happening. ^_~ I'm perfectly happy with the engine itself, but the VC stuff was crap.

Caio! (sp?)

'Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.' -F. Scott Fitzgerald

Posted on 2001-06-01 18:34:17


First of all, I think instead of calling it Verge2.7, you should call it Verge3, since it is a complete rewrite, like the Verge1-Verge2 change.

Can you please send the following to so I can make VEW fully compatible with "VERGE3"?

1 the EXEs it will have (like map editors,
compilers, ect
4 the functions, uses, and documentation for the EXEs
12 the complete list of commands, along with there
inputs... Like "void GetPlayerX(int
playernumber)", and documentation on how to use
the command, along with an example.
7.9the file types, like charaters, maps, scripts...
(if they are the same as verge, then GREATE!)

and just about everything else.

Dont worry about the documentation, I can make a windows .HLP file, which can be exported as a .DOC (i think that's the format) file too.

The catch: I am leaving to go to australia this comming friday, for three weeks. (yeah i know, perect timing right? :p), so if you want that documentation, give it to me by thursday morning at the latest, otherwise it will be 3 weeks before you get it. And yes I know I probibally wont be able to port VEW2 to the VERGE3 format until I'm back, but I'm sure you can deal with it (it will give you time to work out the bugs).

Oh, and please make the compiler generate error.txt like verge compilers do now, because when that file appears, VEW2 will pop up a compiler-error window with the contents of that file, then deltes it. :)

And if you want me to add anything to VEW2 to be an integrated part of VERGE3 let me know. I can do just about anything on Delphi. Anything from a text editor, to an Multiplyer RPG engine, so I'm sure I could do something like a map editor, and whatnot.

Please let VEW2 (it will be VEW3 for the VERGE3) be an integrated part of VERGE. We will worship you at an alter every morning if you do* :)

*we will not worshop you at the alter, we will just make the background of our desktop the Verge3 logo

Posted on 2001-06-01 19:06:26


I wasn't allowed to call it verge 3 before, when I had the blessings (or ambivalence, to be more precise) of the "elite crew", let alone now. ^_~


The old VC docs for v2.7 can be found at, for what it's worth. Some of those functions will remain, others will be replaced with objects and member variables. The best thing to do is set up a generic system in which you can fill in the blanks later on.

And.. I don't have a complete Python build yet. There'll be one pretty soon, though. ^_~

'Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.' -F. Scott Fitzgerald

Posted on 2001-06-01 19:34:40

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